Identifying & Monetising Evergreen Content (Round 5)

Germany Project type: medium Unternehmensgruppe Aschendorff, Aschendorff Medien GmbH & Co. KG


Readers love the relevant reading mix of up-to-date articles and interesting “evergreens". Evergreen content is articles that stay relevant for long periods of time. We want to develop a smart content scoring model that allows us to identify, foster and monetise evergreen content. Articles with high scores are relevant to the readers and remain in the reading offer. This increases the reach, the loyalty of the reader and his willingness to pay for content. Evergreen content adds value to a paid digital membership.

The solution

Hundreds of stories are produced every single day, and most of them disappear within short time after publishing. By measuring the score of interest in an article over time and providing those with a constantly high score in a live inventory, the work of editorial teams would pay off in another dimension.