Local Pulse – delivering local news in your daily city life (Round 6)

France Project type: large Société d’Investissement Médias


EBRA is the first daily press group in France with 9 regional press publications. It has a circulation of approximately one million copies daily. EBRA, as with many other publishers, is facing a decreasing readership in city centres. 

The ambition is to reinvent Local News by reclaiming readers in each of the main cities covered by EBRA brands, with new media that focuses on both editorial and technological innovation. Local Pulse is a new media offer that will deliver a mix of relevant contents for readers based in urban areas who want to stay connected to what’s going on in their city.

The solution

In city centres, all regional newspaper sales are decreasing. Young urban readers know, trust and like our brands but relate to them less and less. Project Local Pulse is an ambitious answer to conquer and attract a new generation of readers. Local Pulse is a triple challenge: a new editorial offer that will deliver local, native and multimedia content in a new product to improve user experience and meet reader expectations. It represents a new business model for hyperlocal advertising and subscription.