REMP Retention – open source software to improve subscribers retention (Round 6)

Slovakia Project type: large N Press, s.r.o.


Retention is new addition to the open-source software package. It will help publishers understand which customers are not prolonging their subscriptions and why, predict the churn of individual subscribers and then take appropriate action via various marketing channels to prevent the churn.

The solution

After a few years of launching their subscription business, most publishers see gradual slowing of subscribers' growth, caused by churn. Although most companies agree that keeping existing subscribers is cheaper than attracting new ones, there are many more tools available for customer acquisition than for customer retention. N Press will offer sophisticated free software for publishers that will help them understand their retention and churn numbers, get warnings that individual readers are at risk of churning based on their behavior, and then target them with specific messages to increase the chance of retaining them as subscribers.