UE Content Intelligence (Round 4)

Spain Project type: medium Unidad Editorial, S.A


UE Content Intelligence is a data product that will help Unidad Editorial gain a deeper understanding of the content they create and how the creation of that content impacts user engagement, value creation and monetisation.

The solution

Most news stories have a lifespan of less than two days. The challenge is to extract knowledge from the content generated just before, or in the very first moments, of publication. This enables UE to make decisions that can maximise revenue. The main component is a Machine Learning engine for real-time indexing of news at the moment of publication. This helps optimise advertising allocation based on content and provides journalists with the tools for analysing the relationship between content and user engagement. Allocation of advertising on news sites is usually done via behavioural targeting, but a user navigation history is not always available, so inventory is sometimes sold at low prices or not sold at all. This solution is aimed to fill the gap and help UE take full advantage of its inventory