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Radar Cirebon

Website performance and revenue grew in 2021

Radar Cirebon increased revenue by improving website performance with tailored recommendations and insights

The Challenge

Since 2002, Radar Cirebon has been an influential local news publisher and online media publication in Cirebon city and other areas across West Java, Indonesia. After experiencing a surge in readers and digital advertising through the GNI Local News Foundry program in 2020, Radar Cirebon participated in the next phase of the program in 2021 to tackle its network and digital infrastructure issues that were affecting traffic and revenue growth. In partnership with AnyMind, Radar Cirebon received tailored tech recommendations to improve its website performance and create a dynamic user experience through Web Stories. Educational sessions, such as webinars and workshops, helped Radar Cirebon gain deeper insights about Core Web Vitals metrics and their importance for better site performance, as well as alignment with the organization’s long-term business goals.

The Solution

Close collaboration with the AnyMind team on implementing the Core Web Vitals and adopting Web Stories technology resulted in:

- 2x higher pageviews on their Web Story articles

- 99% increase in revenue within two months of implementation

- Higher confidence in competing with larger media organizations via local content and new innovative Web Stories technology adopted through the GNI Local News Foundry program

Today, the Radar Cirebon development team is better equipped with the technical know-how and digital skills to monitor their site performance and track user engagement based on trending news.

  • 99% growth in revenue (month over month)
  • 86% increase in Google PageSpeed Insights score from 12 to 92
  • 2x higher page views on Web Story articles
As a dedicated IT person in Radar Cirebon, Core Web Vitals metrics showed us we can perform better in the future. As a result, we increased our page speed performance significantly. I feel that my knowledge has upgraded with this technology. We hope to be included again for the next project [GNI Local News Foundry]
Alfi Hikmawan
IT Manager, Radar Cirebon
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