News Tagging Guide

Collect Google Analytics data that matters to your business in a couple of clicks.
News Tagging Guide is a free tool that helps you make the most of Google Analytics by capturing better data. You will be able to:
- Identify the key metrics that you should be capturing from your readers.
- Simplify Google Analytics technical implementation with tags ready to copy-paste on your site.
- Amplify the recommendations and insights you'll obtain from News Consumer
Optimize your reader engagement funnel
News Consumer Insights
Identify reader funnel optimization opportunities to increase profitability and build deeper relationships with your readers. News Consumer Insights provides key insights and actionable recommendations based on your Google Analytics data to help grow Reader Engagement and Reader Revenue.
Optimize your reader engagement funnel
News Consumer Insights Demo Site
Visualize our actionable recommendations throughout our NCI Demo Site to optimize reader engagement and reader revenue for both your desktop and mobile sites.
Optimize your content in realtime
Realtime Content Insights
Identify in realtime which articles and videos are the most popular with your readers and what broader topics are trending in your region. Realtime Content Insights enables engaging data visualization for your newsroom and is available for publishers using all versions of Google Analytics.