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El Sol de México

El Sol de México: Aligning Processes with Audience Needs

Participating in the Lab was key in their progress to strengthen their Audience Strategy

The Challenge

El Sol de Mexico had the challenge to integrate all editorial teams to focus and adapt their processes according to the changing needs of the audience, and foster a standardized and up-to-date understanding among the different departments of the critical importance of data and user feedback in editorial and strategic decision-making.

"What we learned in the laboratory led us to reassess processes and even responsibilities within the newsroom."
Hiroshi Takahashi
Editorial Director of El Sol de México

The Solution

With the Audience Lab, El Sol de México achieved a deeper understanding of how to meet the diverse needs of its users. This program facilitated the unification of criteria and the standardization of knowledge among the teams of the media, highlighting the crucial importance of data in decision-making. Collaborative work routes were established between the editorial and audience areas to reinforce informative bets and resource allocation.

"The Laboratory activities were attended by print and web editors, video people, audience team, audience management team. It was an opportunity to socialize that the work we do, we must focus it not only because it is important to us, but to try to understand what the audience is telling us (...) We took some time to sit down and reflect on where we are going; internally it helped us a lot to socialize that we are all towards the same goal."
Yésica Cadena
Web coordinator of the Organización Editorial Mexicana (OEM)

The Results

Changes in processes achieved during the program:

-Greater understanding of Search Console.

-Improvement in the definition of the Editor position with a focus on audiences.

-Management of processes by objectives; the media developed its own monitoring board.

-Editorial planning of Elections with audience management criteria.

-Conducting a survey to improve its newsletter proposal.

26% increase in clicks
15% increase in impressions
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