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My City Logan

My City Logan delivers strong digital ad presence

Capitalizing on a strong established readership in the local market.

The Challenge

My City Logan had AdSense in place but this was delivering limited revenue. They needed help getting a technology base in place to be able to serve digital advertising solutions, and also needed help creating a business model to support the sale of digital ad packages. My City Logan also had plans to expand into other areas such as real estate and trade directories, and wanted to be able to sell across all sites and platforms, creating a strong and consistent revenue stream.

The Results

As part of the 2023-4 Google News Initiative Advertising Lab, working with Google Reseller and Google Certified Publishing Partner A&A, It was agreed with My City Logan that putting Google Ad Manager into place would provide the ad tech layer needed. A taxonomy for ad targeting was created, also providing recommendations on the best ad placements to provide strong solutions for advertisers while not compromising their reader experience and engagement.

A tagging and testing phase ensured that the ad tags were implemented correctly and functioning as they should. Pricing and packaging solutions were created for the team to allow them to sell onto the site. AdX via Multiple Customer Management was also implemented to provide high quality fill for any unsold ad placements.

Follow up discussions covered adjustments to pricing and solutions, working with the team to ensure they were the right solutions and price points to attract local advertisers.

  • 20% growth in month on month programmatic revenue
  • 10% ongoing monthly growth in ad impressions
  • 81% viewability
Untitled design (57)
Standard ad placements fit seamlessly into the content area, in addition to a sticky leaderboard placement across desktop and mobile.
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