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CMS Vendors


Xalok is a well-established CMS in Spanish language markets, offering editors a live preview of what their content will look like on various devices.

  • While the "Xalok Go" SaaS platform caters to small news organizations, most customers will still likely require extensive engagement with the vendor's services arm to customize an implementation to their requirements.
  • Parent company Hiberus offers other website and application development services
  • Key customers include La Vanguardia, El Tiempo, and Corriere della Serra

Likely fit

Xalok Go could be a potential next step from WordPress for Micro-Independent News Organizations. However, any additional requirements will mean switching to the core version of Xalok with custom development. Hiberus can offer all professional services required, from development to managed services, which could prove convenient to a Mid-Sized Chain of News Organizations (such as the media arm of parent company HENNEO). However, this could prove a step too far for Small Independent News Organizations and Small Chains of News Organizations.

At a glance

Primary Customer Fit

Mid-Sized Chain of News Organizations

Secondary Fit

Micro-Independent News Organizations

Most Active Geographies

EMEA, Latin America

Official Support Hours

Choices for 8x5, 12x5, 24x7

Officially Supported Languages for User Interface


Third-party Language Support Available?


License Model

Monthly fee for use of the software, depending on tiers based on traffic, page views and users

Scope Summary

Digital first CMS with visual interface from a vendor in Spain that can see to many peripheral IT needs as well

Tech Base

PHP (Symfony), MySQL, Elastic, Redis, Node.js, Twig

Cloud Model



Zaragoza, Spain

Head Count


What customers report

  • Visual interface allows editors to work on an article as site visitors would see it
  • Hiberus Media Labs can draw from a large pool of Hiberus tech resources to implement the CMS, as well as many other adjacent technology needs
  • A Xalok Go demo could give the impression the product is a good fit out of the box, while in reality this may require complicated bespoke development based more on the underlying core product
  • The core CMS is mostly an editorial interface, with integration or expansion needed to go beyond this
  • Lacking a partner network, you will have to defer to Hiberus professional services for any customisation required


  • What began in 1895 as the newspaper Heraldo de Aragon has in the past decade transformed into HENNEO, a media and technology conglomerate. Technology consulting subsidiary Hiberus was created in 2012 with the addition of Comex Integración and IriTec. In 2017, Xalok merged with Hiberus' content management team to form what is now Hiberus Media Labs, with Xalok as their main product.
  • Xalok's editorial interface revolves around editing within the preview, which can be switched to show different screen sizes (desktop and mobile). The company has focussed on its visual editing interface and minimizing the number of steps editors have to take outside of it. Setting the focal point for an image, for example, can be done from within the article view, without having to go into a separate DAM (Digital Asset Management) system. Editors can also add different types of content blocks, and if the content is sourced from the CMS itself, will immediately show these within the editor. The system also supports multiple languages (for instance, a Spanish and an English edition) with the option to automatically translate the first version for editors to work on.
  • What the platform brings in editorial niceties, it generally lacks in other services (such as planning, paywalls, subscription services, commenting), which must be built or bolted on.
  • Xalok is a PHP based system with a Node.js front-end and Twig templating (though the CMS can also be used headless). Customers must implement a custom layer on top of the core system that caters to their specific needs and integrations. This can be developed by the customer tech teams themselves, though in many cases Hiberus Media Labs will have heavy involvement in the development and daily operation of the platform. The company can be a "one stop shop" to the extent that a customer will only need to fulfil the product management role -- though it can be easy to underestimate the responsibilities this brings in deciding on implementation details. To mitigate this, Hiberus Media Labs also created the more out of the box "Xalok Go", which caters to small publications. However, if requirements exceed Xalok Go capabilities, it can then require a steep step-up to a custom Xalok implementation.
  • While Hiberus Media Labs has 72 employees, its rapidly-growing parent company Hiberus employs 3,300 – a large resource pool covering multiple technology areas, which can be drawn upon for CMS implementations when needed. In fact, many Xalok customers also engage in other technology projects with Hiberus (ranging from SEO to big data projects).
  • Xalok has very recently announced the "Xalok IA assistant", which promises to suggest article topics (integrated with competitive ananlytics), and aid with content creation. The goal for this is to be service independent, using ChatGPT and Gemini, or open source alternatives such as Vicuna.

पैकेज का स्कोप (यह जानकारी वेंडर ने दी है)

कोर प्लैटफ़ॉर्म - यानी कि प्रॉडक्ट के साथ बंडल किया गया (हां/नहीं/बीटा वर्शन) ऐड-ऑन (हां/अपनी पसंद के मुताबिक/तीसरे पक्ष का)
कॉन्टेंट का लाइफ़साइकल: लिखना / कैटगरी में बांटना / बदलाव करना / मंज़ूरी देना / पब्लिश करना / नए तरीके से दोबारा इस्तेमाल करना / संग्रहित करना / मिटाना
बेसिक डिजिटल / वॉइस / मीडिया ऐसेट मैनेजमेंट
प्रिंट पब्लिशिंग से जुड़ी सहायता
सोशल मीडिया पर आसानी से दोबारा पब्लिश करने की सुविधा
वैकल्पिक मॉड्यूल: फ़ॉर्म / पोल / सोशल विजेट / वगैरह
कनेक्टर लाइब्रेरी (ओओटीबी कनेक्टर, एपीआई वगैरह)
तीसरा पक्ष
बंडल किया गया सीडीएन (डीडीओएस की सुरक्षा के साथ)
तीसरा पक्ष
उपयोगकर्ता के रजिस्ट्रेशन की सुविधा
तीसरा पक्ष
सदस्यता का मैनेजमेंट और फ़ुलफ़िलमेंट - डिजिटल
तीसरा पक्ष
सदस्यता का मैनेजमेंट - प्रिंट
तीसरा पक्ष
मनमुताबिक बनाने की सुविधा
विज्ञापन का मैनेजमेंट - डिजिटल
तीसरा पक्ष
विज्ञापन का मैनेजमेंट - प्रिंट
मोबाइल ऐप्लिकेशन का मैनेजमेंट
अपनी पसंद के मुताबिक
साइट खोज की सुविधा
कॉन्टेंट और असाइनमेंट के लिए योजना बनाने की सुविधा
तीसरा पक्ष
वीडियो का मैनेजमेंट / ओवीपी
तीसरा पक्ष
ऑडियो का मैनेजमेंट / पॉडकास्ट की सुविधा
तीसरा पक्ष
डेटा विज़ुअलाइज़ेशन
तीसरा पक्ष
तीसरा पक्ष
टिप्पणी करने की सुविधा / कम्यूनिटी से जुड़ी सुविधाएं/
तीसरा पक्ष
न्यूज़लेटर का प्रोडक्शन और मैनेजमेंट
सूचनाएं और अपडेट
A/B टेस्टिंग
वैरिएबल इनहेरिटेंस के साथ मल्टी-टाइटल मैनेजमेंट
अपनी पसंद के मुताबिक
जटिल लेआउट और सबसाइट / सब-सेक्शन की क्लोनिंग
एआर- / वीआर- की बेहतर सेवाएं
तीसरा पक्ष
सार्वजनिक दस्तावेज़
ऑनलाइन उपयोगकर्ता / पार्टनर फ़ोरम
उपयोगकर्ता ग्रुप की नियमित मीटिंग
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इस पेज को छोड़ने पर, मौजूदा लेसन के लिए आपकी प्रोग्रेस का पूरा डेटा मिट जाएगा. क्या आपको वाकई इस पेज को छोड़कर अपनी प्रोग्रेस का डेटा मिटाना है?