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Mainichi News Paper

A Legacy of Ink, A Future of Inclusion

Mainichi Shimbun's Pursuit of Diversity in Japanese Journalism

The Challenge

In 2022, marking its 150th anniversary, the Mainichi Shimbun, one of Japan’s leading newspaper companies, announced its "MAINICHI SHIMBUN 2030 VISION," aiming to contribute to a diverse society without leaving anyone behind. Despite this outward commitment to diversity, internal challenges such as long working hours, a rigid seniority system, strong departmental silos fostering “homogeneity” and “cohesion”, and slow progress in women's advancement were evident.

There was an urgent need to review these old practices within the company and update the organization with diversity. With a strong awareness of the need to further nurture and promote the employment of women, the Mainichi Shimbun, utilizing the knowledge gained from the DEI Acceleration Cohort Program provided by Google, announced the DEI Declaration in February 2024. Since then, the company-wide efforts have steadily produced positive results, particularly with the ratio of women in management positions rising from 14.1% to 16.7% as of June 2024.

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"The DEI Acceleration Cohort Program provided us with the opportunity to discuss our challenges and gaps in initiatives through workshops with other companies. We realized the importance of promoting DEI to ensure our employees work energetically and are grateful to Google for offering this program. Employee surveys revealed unexpectedly low satisfaction levels, concerns about career development and work-life balance, and low trust in promotions and evaluations. The newspaper industry needs unprecedented transformation to survive. Through DEI promotion, we aim to eliminate sectionalism, create new business and operational reform, and foster a company where everyone can thrive more vibrantly than ever."
Yoshiharu Suzue
Executive Officer, Labor Affairs / Personnel Strategy Director, The Mainichi Newspapers

The Results

The DEI declaration developed by Mainichi Shimbun based on program insights includes eight specific numerical goals. Key pillars include gender equality, work style reforms, career development support, and strengthening internal communication. In addition to promoting initiatives to spread the DEI throughout the organization, including strengthening the involvement of top management, regular evaluations and progress reports by external experts planned to ensure transparency.

The main challenge currently facing the Mainichi Shimbun is the reform of work styles. Particularly in resolving issues for middle managers, they are required to understand the need for work reform even in their hard work environment and to be persuasive in achieving such reform. Utilizing the training know-how gained from the program, the Mainichi Shimbun are promoting co-creation of solutions through training for department managers and above and career design workshops for women.

Future success hinges on demonstrating tangible DEI promotion outcomes as well as continuing long-term efforts and addressing ongoing challenges such as late-night work, digital shift, and women's development. Continuous initiatives and dialogues are essential.

Though addressing these challenges requires time and persistence, the Mainichi Shimbun is determined to share the importance of DEI across the organization and create a workplace where all employees can thrive.

  • 3 firsts First employee satisfaction survey conducted (1), establishment of the DEI Promotion Committee first ever (2), creation of a DEI Promotion Office and appointment of dedicated personnel for the first time (3).
  • 100% All (100%) executives, including the president, were appointed as members of the DEI Promotion Committee. The president set a goal for 100% annual paid leave utilization by 2030.
  • 8 targets Eight numerical goals were set and announced as part of the DEI declaration in February 2024, to be achieved by 2030.
Untitled design (50)
% of women in management position
Untitled design (51)
% of annual paid leave acquisition
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