AdBoard - Helping news publishers manage ads (Round 4)

France Project type: prototype Usbek & Rica


AdBoard is an open-source platform offering all the necessary features for news publishers to manage a native advertising campaign from start to finish – from real-time monitoring and opitimisation, to data collection and consolidation.

The solution

For many news publishers with native advertising comes one question: how can they avoid compromising their news DNA with brand messages? This dilemma has played out in favour of the entertainment media industry, which has adopted native advertising more quickly. AdBoard aims to change that by being the hands-on tool for news publishers to optimise native ads and attract new revenue streams. In this relatively new environment, AdBoard helps them navigate by making informed decisions. Each quarter performance indexes and AdBoard users’ anonymised data will be put together and released, along with a native ad barometer, as a reference for news publishers. These will help the overall industry gain leverage and develop insights about their campaigns’ engagement.