All Platform, Customised User Experience (Round 5)

Hungary Project type: large HVG Kiadó Zrt


A customised experience for readers across all digital channels. By using machine learning and direct surveying they will develop a system that learns the preferences, demographics and psychographics or their users. With this they can offer a personalised news portal on all platforms. They aim for a mix of relevant content suggestion and editorial news curation. The data obtained will be used to offer a targeting tool for advertisers which means more relevant ads to readers and a higher revenue for the publisher. The personalisation tool, combined with digital membership and new types of paid-content, will serve as their first, non-ad digital revenue source.

The solution

The project team believe that the best news consumption experience is derived from a mix of behavioural data, reader micro-surveys and editorial curation. This better experience will help them build a membership programme for loyal readers. The existing data combined with data collected from readers using the cusomisation tools will be the basis of a new type of digital-only paid for content type.