ASK AND EARN (Round 4)

Austria Project type: medium KRONE Multimedia GmbH & Co KG / Krone Verlags GmbH


ASK AND EARN is Krone’s strategy to tackle the most relevant challenges publishers face today. It will combine elements from polls and gamification with a real-time database and a clear monetisation plan to gain first-party user data for advertisers, drive signups and increase user engagement.

The solution

Publishers face the challenge of attracting subscribers. It’s hard for publishers to find ways to persuade users to sign up on the website. Online registration is an important first step to building user loyalty and collecting the quality data needed to enhance the on-site experience. With this project, users are incentivised to visit and interact with Krone’s website, which will lead to an uplift of signups. The project will also gather quality first-party data through different datapoints to provide a better experience for users and better and more plentiful targeting options for advertisers.