Ask Me (Round 4)

Germany Project type: large Presse-Druck- und Verlags-GmbH


Ask Me will use geo-fencing and user data to create situational questions to collect user opinion – using simple call-to-answer notes on their device to get relevant feedback right when they are engaged most deeply.

The solution

One of journalism’s most important skills is asking the right people the right questions. Publishers have strong communities around their brands, and readers want to share their opinion to become part of the journalistic discussion – as shown by the intense use of comment sections and reader surveys. This project establishes a new format to engage users, starts a better interaction with them and has the potential to create a new way of telling stories. Users become a bigger part of the media community and journalistic work – they have the chance to influence reporting through their answers. Ask Me also has a strong impact for local advertisers. Creating a new advertorial survey format means better engagement for clients and significant additional value for their marketing goals.