A Bot Called Zombie That Can Identify an Online Newspaper's Best Articles and Assess When and Why to Republish Them

Switzerland Project type: prototype Ringier Axel Springer


1. Zombie will analyse articles on Le Temps’ website using data from both Chartbeat and Google Analytics. It will score each article according to its relevance and quality.

2. Zombie will see what the hottest topics are in Google Trends, Google News and Twitter’s Trending Topics. It will then check to see whether its own database contains any good articles related to these topics. If so, Zombie will alert Le Temps’ editorial staff through a daily email for example.

The solution

Good articles increase loyalty among readers and create engagement. It therefore makes sense to republish these ‘evergreen’ articles whenever they relate to current events. Our bot Zombie will find Le Temps’ best articles and tell when and why they should republish them.