COMPR (Round 3)

Hungary Project type: prototype K-Monitor Association


Have you ever thought about the value of 1 billion USD? COMPR is an online app that helps to understand and translate big numbers through a various set of pictograms and analogies. With the help of COMPR journalists will be able to create simple visualizations to illustrate their articles or browse in its database to find examples that help to understand big quantities.

The solution

Often we care more about the embezzlement of few thousand dollars than a million dollar fraud. It is hard to imagine big numbers when they’re not present in our everyday lives. Media is the primary source of the information we receive about our broader community, our country or the world. The news we read influences our everyday decisions. Besides being committed to valid, impartial and well founded reporting, providing information and especially numbers and complex relations in a digestible way must be an ultimate goal for news portals.