ExtraData (Round 3)

France Project type: prototype WEDODATA


Can we turn the city into a media? Can the mobile uses developed through Pokemon Go or Snapchat be the ingredients of a new way of informing? How to inform differently in the public space and thus reappropriate it? These questions were at the origin of our project.

News Augmented Reality is about using augmented reality as a new form of journalism, to inform the audience. A test during the french presidential campaign has transformed the official candidates posters into pieces of information through a mobile application. With ExtraData, our final goal is to create the augmented reality framework that can be used in a simple way by other medias.

The solution

Three challenges are in front of us. First, we have to learn to take advantage of a technology that is still very little used for news diffusion. Media groups prefer progressive apps. So the big challenge for us is to make our AR app test works through a smartphone browser. The second challenge is to ensure that the performances are exceptional. The overlays have to be thought in a way they don’t require much time to be downloaded. Finally, we need to find news formats that are adequately leveraged by this new way of informing. Datavisualization - our chore business - is really adapted to this immediate, graphical and animated AR experience.