People Publish Platform (Round 3)

Poland Project type: prototype Stowarzyszenie Gazet Lokalnych (Press Association)


The project consists of building a web platform with an innovative engine for automatic creation, personalization and sale of digital editions of newspapers from articles created by Readers and prepared by the editorial office. They would be able to independently generate personalized editions, to collect, review and create their own content on digital newspapers platforms. This would be allowed by a simple graphical interface resembling columns of standard newspapers. The project was inspired by diagnosed problems and technological changes on the local and world press market.

The solution

The project was inspired by diagnosed problems and technological changes. Technology development require a change of approach towards the needs of publishers and consumers of press content. The key challenges for publishers include integrating audiences into the media content creation process. On the other hand, local publishers struggle with changes of consumer tastes, constantly trying to offer them a product tailored to their needs - but this is not always the case, and previous models of digitization of local newspapers did not work or turned out to be unprofitable. Our innovative concept will allow to integrate editorial staff with readers, integrate them into the creation process and create a specially tailored product.