VRappr: The VR Collaboration Platform for Newsrooms

Germany Project type: medium VRagments


VRappr is a VR tool that is built for newsrooms to create VR content collaboratively. It allows journalists to upload media items (360 media, sound, and flat images and videos) into various scenes and add context to the story (e.g. with text). Web-based Vrappr stories can be played and viewed on a broad range of devices, making content accessible to a large audience. 

The solution

There is a lot of excitement around VR right now. Big media companies have already invested resources into VR. Some of them have established dedicated VR teams and have bought the necessary equipment to produce VR/360 content. However, what about individual journalists or smaller newsrooms who want to experiment with VR/360 content? Often, smaller newsrooms neither have the time nor the money to heavily invest into experimenting with a new medium.