Automated recipes for engaging journalism & native advertising (Round 3)

Sweden Project type: prototype AB Kvällstidningen Expressen (Bonnier AB)


Expressen wants to create high engagement and loyalty among our readers and viewers to continue to be relevant to as big of an audience as possible. With this project, Expressen will utilize new technology to innovative the editorial process of creating original journalism. We will create a prototype for a tool that will use all available data points and leverage machine learning to find the recipe of successful storytelling in every unique context – in order to maximize the impact and to create as much engagement as possible for each story.

The solution

Today the success of each of the hundreds of journalistic stories and native advertising pieces published every day on Expressens platforms depends too much on journalistic experience, and not enough on data and automatic learnings. By understanding even more about what creates engagement and systematize the lessons learned we can create a tool for our journalists with the recipe of successful and engaging storytelling for each situation. And we want to apply the same learnings to native advertising content and give insights on questions such as how our advertisers can create the most engagement and brand awareness.