Disclose (Round 3)

Denmark Project type: prototype Usable Machine


Disclose is a platform dedicated to an innovative interaction with and monetization of news. Disclose will aggregate news from a variety of established news organizations – and through game mechanics motivate users to earn points that they can use to access paid content. News are irreversibly unbundling and Disclose will put journalists in front of the reader. The individual journalist will have the option to create a profile and decide for himself how his stories is framed. As opposed to paywalls Disclose will encourage loyalty and reward users for reading more. The end game is to make the reader more knowledgeable.

The solution

Existing advertising models cannot sustain news reporting and investigative journalism. It’s a realization that has come to legacy media over the last decade – and even digital new comers has arrived at the same conclusion in recent years: Advertising supports more content, but not quality content. Subscription is a formidable business model when it comes to the most loyal users, but it comes at a cost: The social factor of news is lost and anyone but the most loyal users are left outside. Disclose is an attempt to rethink the advertising model and to resocialize the news.