Eyewitness media verification (Round 3)

United Kingdom Project type: prototype Verifeye Media


Development of mobile applications and a verification engine that can calculate a verification veracity score for media. Application of machine learning to augment the verification algorithm. This technology would allow news organisations to quickly verify video and photos taken by eyewitnesses and use them with confidence.

The solution

Eyewitness media usage in news is still in its infancy, but it is maturing rapidly. Verifeye Media is committed to increasing the value of eyewitness media, both in the minds of the industry as well as the audience. By building a set of tools that facilitates verification at point of creation, we can increase the speed with which eyewitness media can be used, and we can amplify the voices of those who have a story to tell. We can also accelerate the exposure of fake stories, building more trust in eyewitness media, and trust in media as a whole.