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Le Figaro

Le Figaro boosts its digital subscriptions

Le Figaro articles on a tablet, phone and desktop

The Challenge

Acquiring new digital subscribers is at the heart of Le Figaro's growth strategy. The main challenge is to find new levers to maximize subscriptions at a sustainable cost. In this context, they have decided to develop a new display strategy via Google's DV360 platform.

Bertrand Gié
"DV360 participated in 11% of digital subscribers acquisition in 2022; it is an essential pillar in our subscription acquisition strategy."
Bertrand Gié
Bertrand Gié, Director of Le Figaro news division
11% DV360 share of voice in 2022 digital subscriber acquisition
30€ Cost per subscriber acquisition

The Results

Le Figaro was able to acquire subscribers with a strategy based on three targets: the first group targets prospects who have visited the subscription page (15% of subscriber acquisition). The second one, created via the group's DMP, brings together readers who, through their behavior and interests, are identified as inclined to subscribe (81%). Finally, the last group targets audiences similar to existing subscribers (4%).

As a result, Le Figaro has acquired 11% of its digital subscribers over the last 12 months via DV360 at a sustainable CPA of €30.

Collaboration with ZBO Media: ZBO Media, the Group Figaro CCM Benchmark trading desk, has exploited Le Figaro data segments to their full potential.

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