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혁신 챌린지 양식


Thanks for your interest in the Google News Initiative (GNI). In order to participate in GNI programs, you must complete this application form. Your responses will be: (1) used by Google solely to assess your eligibility to participate in GNI programs; (2) retained by Google only for as long as needed to facilitate your participation in GNI programs and in no case will your responses be retained for more than 180 days; and (3) collected in accordance with the Google Privacy Policy. As a reminder to protect your privacy, please do not include any sensitive personally identifiable information in your responses.

You may request Google to update, delete, or provide you with a copy of your responses by contacting gnidata@google.com. Please allow up to 7 days for us to process your request.

For questions regarding the News Equity Fund please contact us at newsequityfund@google.com.

Checklist prior to completing this application

  • Download a PDF copy of the questions for reference here.
  • Check criteria, rules and eligibility here.
  • Please note that the GNI News Equity Fund is intended for small and medium-sized news organizations producing original news for minority and underrepresented audiences with an editorial staff of up to 50 journalists. Read more here.
  • Only online applications in English will be considered
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