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Amplifying audience engagement through technology

Lampung.co's audience engagement soars with technical training and content curation

The Challenge

Founded in 2019 Lampung.co covers different types of news content, especially content around the Lampung province’s agricultural affairs. Resources have been their biggest challenge in improving site performance. Another challenge is lack of technical expertise and know-how to provide a good user experience.

The Solution

Through the Google News Initiative’s Local News Foundry program, Lampung.co received the support to optimize their site and achieve a higher Core Web Vitals (CWV) score. The support includes optimizing and minifying script, image efficiency, lazy load implementation, and localized fonts. The technical training gave Lampung.co insights and a clearer understanding of the factors driving website performance.

After the program, we optimized our website performance and increased the CWV score and overall traffic. The most important thing we took away from this program is the new experiences and knowledge. We re-assessed our existing content and curated it so the content would be more relevant to our readers.
Rodi Ediyansyah
Director, Lampung.co
Rodi Ediyansyah
  • 85% reduction in page loading speed, making the website accessible in less than 5 seconds
  • 100% + increase in pageviews with improved user experience and relevant content based approach YoY (Nov 21 Vs Nov 22)
  • 100% + increase in PageSpeed score for mobile version
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