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Taproot Publishing

Improving employee retention through systems and documentation

Taproot Publishing launched an employee intranet portal in their quest to grow and retain remote team members

The challenge

Mack Male and Karen Unland founded Taproot Publishing to help communities understand each other better. And they’ve created a unique revenue model to do it. In addition to providing news and resources for the Edmonton community, the Taproot team also provides paid B2B content and aggregation services for companies and membership organizations. Taproot began expanding its staff in 2020 and is working with a remote team. They knew they could increase the way they supported and onboarded new employees.

Mack and Karen also recognized that they had been working so hard “in” their business that they hadn’t prioritized working “on” their business. As the team continues to increase its output of original reporting, newsletters and custom content for clients, Mack and Karen wanted to create some fundamental infrastructure to support their team members and make it easier to run the organization.

“Growing Is Not Just About Hiring; Growing Is Making Sure People Who Work With You Are In The Right Place And Feel Good.”

Mack Male
Co-founder, Taproot Publishing

The results

Mack and Karen wanted to focus on creating team-building training and support materials to improve retention of their team members. They also recognized, with a distributed team, that these materials had the best chance of being utilized if they were easily accessible. With guidance from their coach, Bene Cipolla, the Taproot team created an intranet system, which now houses all of their orientation documentation, the new Taproot employee handbook and training videos. By creating this intranet portal, Mack and Karen feel like they’ve created a resource that will directly impact their ability to retain new team members.

Mack and Karen were able to hire a new part time employee and onboarded them using their new intranet and materials. That employee is still part of the team – an important data point that suggests Mack and Karen’s new system is increasing employee retention and satisfaction.


Created employee handbook

Made and retained new hire

Launched employee intranet system and refined onboarding process

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