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News app connects Indonesian publisher with readers

Disway's mobile app a game-changer for its channel strategy

The Challenge

Disway is a news publisher with multiple regional networks across Indonesia. Disway struggled to analyze each affiliate’s performance for a data-driven strategy. Additionally, the organization joined Local News Foundry to improve their channel & distribution strategy.

The Solution

The program solved Disway’s challenges via GA4 optimization and through the development of an app. The GA4 optimization enabled Disway to keep track of their networks’ performance and access to data for strategic decisions. The team that supports the GA4 program, also delivered training and workshops which yielded actionable insights for the Disway team. Disway teams were also able to improve the sites’ content and reinforced comprehension of technical requirements.

Indonesia (4)
Through the program, we launched the new Disway app and it has exceeded our expectations for features and user growth. We feel very confident that this app will usher in greater user engagement and revenue.
Acip Setiawan
General Manager, Disway
  • 1266 App downloads after only 2 months of going live
  • 701 MAUs after only 2 months of going live
  • 100% + increase in ads revenue YoY
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