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NZME launches The Listener subscription vertical

NZME expands their digital subscription products to include The Listener, increasing ARPU.

The Challenge

NZME wanted to create a new subscription vertical that would complement their existing digital subscription products. They hypothesised that the Listener subscription would offer something different to their current audience as it’s a well known arts and culture magazine in New Zealand.

NZME needed to optimise their check out flow, with the ability to sell multiple products at the point of acquisition along with the ability to upsell their current subscribers to a Listener subscription, increasing the number of products they subscribe to and average revenue per user.

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“The New Zealand Listener has a huge legacy of producing cutting-edge journalism - enriching New Zealanders with an array of quality content covering everything from politics to culture, social issues, technology and more. It is the perfect addition to complement NZME’s suite of digital offerings, including New Zealand Herald Premium, VIVA Premium and BusinessDesk.”
Murray Kirkness
Chief Content Officer - Publishing, NZME

The Results

Thanks to funding support from Google, The Listener subscription was built in three months, including migration of Listener content and loading of archive content, a unique check-out flow, cancellation flow and offers along with the ability for subscribers to purchase two subscriptions driving increased Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) per subscriber.

total digital subscriptions with The Listener now an important part of NZME’s subscription offerings
total digital subscriptions with The Listener now an important part of NZME’s subscription offerings
NZME - Subscriber Growth_Image 2
Multiple subscription package options offered on the purchase page.
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