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ABP Network Private Limited

Pinpoint Revolutionizes ABP's Reporting: Accuracy, Speed, and Efficiency

Pinpoint simplifies content deciphering for ABP Live’s editorial desks, enhancing efficiency.

Breaking News With Detailed Information

To accelerate news reporting during the 2023 Indian assembly elections, ABP Live's editorial teams harnessed Google Pinpoint's text extraction capabilities. Pinpoint streamlined the process of converting PDFs and images into usable text, significantly boosting their news reporting speed.

During the fast-paced election cycle, political parties rapidly announce candidates, demanding swift media coverage. ABP Live's editorial teams streamlined this process with Pinpoint's text-from-image extraction feature. Traditionally, creating a 50-word news piece took 70-80 seconds; with Pinpoint, this task became significantly faster.

Using Pinpoint's upload and text-extraction features, language editorial teams produced richer news articles (90-120 words) in just 50-60 seconds. These time savings, even just 10 seconds per article, provided a significant advantage during the fast-paced election season, allowing teams to deliver breaking news faster.

"Pinpoint has become a vital and extended arm for our digital newsroom with its infinite capabilities of performing complex tasks with a high degree of accuracy & perfection. We appreciate Google's efforts towards solving day-to-day publishing challenges and catering to our evolving needs."
Tushar Banerjee
Vice President - Digital Content & Business Strategy; ABP Network Private Limited

ABP Live Leverages Pinpoint for Powerful Science Reporting

ABP Live's Science section offers a unique perspective, presenting stories backed by intensive research and analysis from leading medical journals, publications, and interviews. Pinpoint simplifies the research process by enabling them to effortlessly highlight and collect essential data for further analysis.

Traditionally, delving into multiple research papers spanning thousands of words from top medical journals and newsletters was a time-consuming endeavor. With Pinpoint's intuitive labeling system, which automatically identifies key terms and keywords, this arduous task is greatly simplified. Utilizing the highlight and copy text feature, the science section can swiftly identify essential data from these papers, condensing hours of work into mere minutes while ensuring crucial insights are noticed.

A Game-Changer for English Transcription

Pinpoint dramatically speeds up English-to-English transcription tasks. Transcribing a 20-minute interview, for example, now takes 10 minutes instead of two hours, according to ABP. Pinpoint also enhances transcript quality with time cues, simplifying editing and improving overall accuracy.

120 minutes down to 120 seconds 2 hours of searching and labelling a detailed science journal or research paper was condensed to a couple of minutes, according to ABP.
120 minutes down to 10 minutes Before Pinpoint: 2 hours for a 20-minute interview transcript. Now: 10 minutes with 85+% accuracy, according to ABP.
Work done on the Google Pinpoint application, with files being updated and kept in a format.
Explore option of Google Pinpoint being used to access details related to Covid-19
Work done on the Google Pinpoint application, with files being updated and kept in a format.
Explore option of Google Pinpoint being used to access details related to Covid-19
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