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Ringier Slovakia builds out AI to diversify

Publisher’s automated weather tool captures new users with syndicated content.

Harnessing hard data for storytelling

Home to some of Slovakia’s most-visited news and entertainment portals, Ringier Slovakia is one of the nation’s leading multimedia publishers. To maintain their edge and capture an even larger chunk of the market, they wanted to diversify their offerings, so they looked toward content-based services to enrich their portfolio.

AI, they realized, would allow them to quickly produce articles and scale their new services in a cost-efficient manner. After considering topics such as finance, travel, and police reports, they settled on weather due to their wealth of hard data that could be transformed into articles.

“The idea was to develop localized weather forecasts with some added value,” explains Martin Kuchta, Product Manager of Ringier Slovakia. “The fact is that a lot of weather forecasts in Slovakia are just graphs and icons. To fill the gap in the market, we wanted to develop personalized content that is more interesting and immersive for users.”

Customizing the standard weather forecast

Google News Initiative (GNI) began collaborating with Ringier on the project in January 2024. “Working with GNI meant that we could access tools that we otherwise wouldn’t use,” says František Novák, Managing Director of Ringier Slovakia. “We’ve always had a closed technology stack, but with Google, we were able to really touch and test and learn new technologies.”

With GNI’s support, Ringier implemented two solutions. In April, they launched their Artificial Intelligence Weather Assistant (AIWA), which allows them to create and publish daily AI-generated weather articles with Google Cloud and other tools. To customize the articles, the team can choose from five languages, turn on and off various sections of an article (such as title, image, forecast, and summary), and adjust tone of voice to make articles suitable for each website in Ringier’s portfolio.

In addition to syndicating these articles on four of Ringier’s existing sites, in August they also created a new website, Azet Weather, to serve as a home base for all of the new content generated by AIWA. On Azet Weather, Ringier publishes 80 articles per day, one for each of Slovakia’s 80 towns.

The articles not only include weather forecasts, but also historical almanacs and suggestions for local activities based on the forecast, such as recommending an indoor museum on a rainy day. “We use Google Places to help us find points of interest in a particular city or village and include photos and tips for visiting, so that really creates an added value for our readers,” Novák explains.

Google News Initiative — News Ideas

News publishers are innovating to find new ways to engage their audiences. From digital distribution and subscriptions to real-time analytics and AI, to giving readers a voice, they are using technology to reimagine news — with a focus on growing revenues and sophisticated/strong journalism. Their insights might inspire your own next big idea in the news.

About Ringier Slovakia

Part of the Swiss Ringier AG group, Ringier Slovakia is a leading multimedia publishing house with a diverse portfolio that includes digital and print publications, video content, and podcasts. The company reaches a broad audience through some of Slovakia’s most popular news and entertainment platforms, including the news portal Aktuality and the Azet domain.


Bratislava, Slovakia

Managing Director Ringier Slovakia František Novák
“Through this cooperation with GNI, we had the time and the resources to learn how to approach new technology.”
František Novák
Managing Director, Ringier Slovakia

Validating AIWA as a proof of concept

Azet Weather is already counting 45,000 users and upwards of 90,000 views per month. Most importantly, though, 70 percent of these users are new to the brand, having never registered on another Ringier Slovakia website. “From Azet Weather, we can now drive these new users to our other services, which will enrich our portfolio and increase our numbers as a group,” Kuchta says.

As Ringier continues to experiment with AIWA, they plan to shape prompts to deliver even more personalized, immersive content for users, thereby generating higher traffic. But the current iteration is merely a proof of concept. “We discussed this with our parent company, Ringier AG, and we decided that this is actually a really nice project because what we’ve built here is not only built for Slovakia,” Novák says. “We built this as a first prototype, but the whole idea is that this would be rolled out across Europe to benefit all of Ringier AG’s media outlets.”

  • 45,000 users per month on new Azet Weather site
  • 90,000 views per month on Azet Weather
  • 70% of Azet Weather users new to Ringier Slovakia
team photo 3
The Ringier Slovakia team discussing AIWA