セルフペース型のレッスンとワークショップを通じてスキルを磨き、最新のベスト プラクティスを学びましょう。

すべての トレーニング
With help from the London School of Economics and Political Science, VRT News and Texty our Journalism AI courses offer an insight on how journalists are using machine learning in their newsrooms.
動画: ジャーナリストにとっての Google Earth とマッピング テクノロジー
From Google Public Data Explorer to Google Search, this intensive course will help journalists interpret a range of online sources to strengthen their efficiency and efficacy of in-depth research.
Strengthen your digital skills by learning advanced techniques on familiar tools like Google Search, Google Maps and Google Trends.
Google Trends: See what’s trending across Google Search, Google News and YouTube.
Environmental Journalism
Around the world, wildfires, flooding and other extreme weather continue to affect our health, our economies and our future together on our planet. Explore the tools to help tell the story.
データ ジャーナリズム
From beginner to advanced, strengthen your ability to analyze and interpret data with Google Trends and a range of tools from Google and beyond.
このコースでは、自分が作ったダイナミックでインタラクティブで エキサイティングなビジュアルを使って、言葉を超越して視聴者をストーリーの核 心に連れて行く力を与えます。
Strengthen your digital safety with 2-step verification, password protection and a range of tools to help both freelance journalists and those working within small, medium and large news organizations.
Google Fact Check Tools
Pinpoint: A research tool for journalists
Google Earthでストーリーを語る
Explore how journalists can identify, embed or download imagery from Google Maps, Google Earth and StreetView to help visualize your stories.
Google Trends
トレンドに浮上するトピックスとスポットを追跡するには、無料のTrends Explore toolでリア ルタム検索データを使用します。そして、そのデータを に選択した話題や論点について、思 わず引き込まれてしまうストーリーを披露しましょう。
Looking ahead to ML-powered journalism
Whether you're covering an election campaign or reporting on results at the ballot box, here are a range of tools that can help prepare for your story. Dive in to GIF makers, visualizations and digital safety tools.
Business Reporting
Build your digital skills on Google Sheets and learn how to identify and report on financial news stories with the help of visualization tools.