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Investigative Reporting

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6 leçons
50 minutes
From Google Public Data Explorer to Google Search, this intensive course will help journalists interpret a range of online sources to strengthen their efficiency and efficacy of in-depth research.


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  • En vedette
  • Du plus récent au plus ancien
  • Du plus ancien au plus récent
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Trier par :
  • En vedette
  • Du plus récent au plus ancien
  • Du plus ancien au plus récent

Pinpoint: A research tool for journalists

Explore and analyze thousands of documents with Google's research tool, Pinpoint.
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Verification: Advanced Reverse Image Search

How to separate genuine eyewitness accounts from misattributed content.
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Verification: Chrome Plugins and Extensions

How to speed up the verification process using Google Chrome.
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Google Earth: Pinpoint eyewitness locations.

Find out where a photo was taken and when it was uploaded.
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Google Historical Imagery: Google Earth Pro, Maps and Timelapse

Find out where a photo was taken and when it was uploaded.
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Public Data Explorer: Access a world of data.

Use high-quality data sets to create compelling visuals.
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