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Safety and Security

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5 leçons
45 minutes
Strengthen your digital safety with 2-step verification, password protection and a range of tools to help both freelance journalists and those working within small, medium and large news organizations.
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  • Mis en vedette
  • Du plus récent au plus ancien
  • Du plus ancien au plus récent
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  • Du plus récent au plus ancien
  • Du plus ancien au plus récent

Project Shield: Defend against digital censorship.

A free tool to protect your site from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.
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2-Step Verification: Stronger security for your Google account.

Add an extra layer of protection beyond your password.
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Password Alert: Protect yourself from password theft.

This simple Chrome extension is your first line of defense.
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Advanced Protection

The strongest security for your Google account.
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Vidéo : Assurer la sécurité des journalistes en ligne

Améliorez votre sécurité en ligne en tant que journaliste grâce aux pratiques exemplaires et aux outils de Google.
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Safety and Security: Take the Quiz

Questionnaire sur le cours
Now that you've finished the course, take the quiz to test your knowledge!
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Désolé! Votre recherche ne correspond à aucune ressource

Tendance à Initiatives Google Actualités

  • GO801_GNI_GoogleImageSearch_TitleCard.jpg
    Verification: Google Image Search
    Find visually similar images.
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  • GO801_GNI_GoogleEarthPro_TitleCard.jpg
    Google Historical Imagery: Google Earth Pro, Maps and Timelapse
    Find out where a photo was taken and when it was uploaded.
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  • GO801_GNI_AccessThePast_TitleCard.jpg
    Google News Archive: Access the past.
    Discover historical digital publications and scanned newspapers.
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  • GO801_GNI_VerifyContentIn100Languages_TitleCard.jpg
    Google Translate: Verify content in 100+ languages.
    Interpret descriptions, uploader information and place names.
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  • DataJournalism_GoogleSheetsScrapingDatafromtheInternet_lessonoverview_UEMWXbb.jpg
    Google Sheets: Scraping data from the internet
    Build your own data sets using Google Sheets.
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  • GO801_GNI_TranslationsOTG_TitleCard.jpg
    Google Translate: Translations on-the-go.
    Speak the language just about anywhere in the world.
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  • GO801_GNI_VerifyingPhotos_TitleCard.jpg
    Reverse Image Search: Verifying photos.
    Find photographs and uncover their backstories.
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