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Google Alerts: Stay in the know.
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Advanced Search: Researching with precision.
Reverse Image Search: Verifying photos.
Google News Archive: Access the past.
Google Street View: Verify images.
Voice Typing: Transcribe audio using Google Docs
Permissions: Source Google Data.
Google My Maps: Show where stories happen.
Google Trends: Understanding the data.
Google Translate: Translations on-the-go.
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Google Alerts: Stay in the know.


Follow the breaking stories that are important to you.


Follow developing stories, from your inbox.


Google Alerts is a powerful tool that helps you stay on top of all the things that are important to you. Once you set it up, you’ll get email notifications any time Google finds new results on topics you care about. 

For example, if you’re a reporter covering a specific beat, creating alerts on relevant keywords will help you stay up-to-date with emails that support your research


Create an alert.

Start getting alerts by visiting and entering the search terms you want to get email notifications about. Say, for example, you’re researching the midterm elections.

Say, for example, you’re researching the midterm elections. Type in midterm elections in the search bar and click Create Alert.

You can also create an alert by clicking + Add next to any of the suggested topics that you see on the Google Alerts page.

Choose how often you get Alerts.

Sometimes your inbox gets too full. It’s easy to customise how often you get alerts in your inbox.

To reveal the details of the alert, click Show Options.

Then select how often you get alerts and the types of websites and content you want searched.

Select your sources.


If you only want to see results from a specific source, you can choose from a range of options. However, we recommend the Automatic option, which provides you with the best results from multiple sources. When you’re happy with your choices, click Create Alert. 


Customise your alerts.

To access the Settings menu

Click on the gear icon.

Select the exact time you want to get your alerts.

If you have multiple alerts that you want to receive in one email, click Digest. No matter which option you pick, you’ll only receive emails when we find new results.

Keep tabs on your impact.


Besides covering a story, you can also use Google Alerts to monitor your own work’s impact. Set up alerts with your byline, name, or website and you’ll get email notifications whenever someone shares or posts your work.

Bu dersi nasıl değerlendirirsiniz?
Geri bildiriminiz, derslerimizi iyileştirmemize yardımcı olacaktır.
The purpose of Google Alerts is to:
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To set up and personalize your Google Alerts, visit:
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Which of these options are sources you can request Google Alerts from:
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If you are setting up multiple Google Alerts and you want to receive them all in one email, you can go to “settings” and choose:
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By setting up an alert with your own byline, name and/or website, you can track when people:
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Tebrikler! Tamamladınız Google Alerts: Stay in the know.
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