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Nereden başlayacağınızdan emin değil misiniz? Kişiselleştirilmiş öneriler almak için kısa bir test yapın.
Ders 9 / 13
Permissions: Source Google Data.
Temel Esaslar
Google Alerts: Stay in the know.
Advanced Search: Researching with precision.
Reverse Image Search: Verifying photos.
Google News Archive: Access the past.
Google Street View: Verify images.
Voice Typing: Transcribe audio using Google Docs
Google My Maps: Show where stories happen.
Google Trends: Understanding the data.
Google Translate: Translations on-the-go.
check_box_outline_blank Fundamentals: Take the quiz
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5 dakika tamamlamak için

Permissions: Source Google Data.


Learn proper usage and citations for Google products.


How to use the Google brand in your content.


The Google Permissions website is your one-stop-shop to learn how to properly use and cite our products in your stories. It highlights common use cases, basic trademark guidelines and gives instructions on using our logos, images, maps and graphics across all media.


Citing maps sources.

From satellite images to maps, journalists around the world use our tools to help tell their stories. And we’re glad. We simply ask that you follow some usage rules to ensure they’re used fairly and properly.

Let’s say you’re publishing a web infographic using an image from Google Earth. Go to the Permissions website and click Using our maps along the left. Read the Basics section, which should answer most FAQs for any Google map usage.

Let’s say you’re publishing a web infographic using an image from Google Earth. Go to and click Products.

Scroll down until you see Google Maps/Earth and click guidelines for non-commercial use. The General Guidelines section should answer most FAQs for Google map usage.

Giving credit where it’s due.


When you’re ready to publish, make sure you properly cite your Google source. Many of our products, such as Google Maps and Google Earth, will automatically incorporate an attribution for Google and the data provider. We’ve also set up an attributions site to answer your more detailed questions.

Bu dersi nasıl değerlendirirsiniz?
Geri bildiriminiz, derslerimizi iyileştirmemize yardımcı olacaktır.
On the site, you’ll find usage and citation guidelines for these Google products:
SORU 2 / 3
Which of the following scenarios would require special permission from Google?
SORU 3 / 3
What is the correct tagline to use beneath any image featuring a Google product screenshot or data?
Test Tamamlandı
Tebrikler! Tamamladınız Permissions: Source Google Data.
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Bu sayfadan çıkarsanız mevcut dersteki ilerlemeniz kaydedilmez. Devam etmek ve ilerlemenizi kaybetmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?