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Kitlenizi büyütün
Verileri kullanarak kitlenizi anlayıp büyütün, içeriğinizi şekillendirin ve ziyaretçilerinizin etkileşimde kalmaya devam etmesini sağlayın.
Kitlenizi büyütmeye başlayın
Analizler, anketler ve araçları kullanarak kitlenizi anlayıp büyütün.
Sitenizin trafiğini artırın
Ziyaret sayınızı artırmak için Arama, bültenler, sosyal medya paylaşımı ve reklamları kullanın.
Ziyaretçilerin etkileşimde kalmasını sağlayın
Makaleden yönlendirilerek web sitesinde dolaşma, videolar ve Core Web Vitals ile ziyaretçilerin etkileşimde kalmasını ve sitenizi kullanmaya devam etmesini sağlayın.
Yayıncı Merkezi ile Google Haberler'de yer alma
El Sol de México: Aligning Processes with Audience Needs
Participating in the Lab was key in their progress to strengthen their Audience Strategy.
French newspaper grows international audience
Le Monde harnesses AI translation to launch an English-language edition, boosting readership and engagement worldwide.
Dong Nai Newspaper Grows Reach and Revenue
Vietnamese publisher learns more about its readers to successfully boost engagement, and diversify revenue.
Argentine publisher unifies data across sites
LA NACION’s single sign-on technology puts their first-party data strategy front and center.
Inquirer.net launches a newsletter for North American readers, leading to 3x higher open rate and 29x higher click-through rate
Learn how Inquirer.net has launched a curated newsletter to further engage with key audience segments abroad.
Tuoi Tre Newspapers’ Data-Driven Evolution
A Vietnamese news publication personalized their reader experience through content analysis and data integration.
News app connects Indonesian publisher with readers
Disway's mobile app a game-changer for its channel strategy
iNews.id boosts registrations with refined SSO strategy
Find out how iNews has accelerated registration uptakes through collecting more first-party data via a reworked Single Sign-On (SSO) strategy.
Sakal’s Sign-Ups Skyrocket with Google One Tap
Google One Tap Unlocks User Sign-Up Floodgates for Sakal
Periodico AM: Asserting Locality and Immediacy
Local newspaper in Mexico innovates to better reach their audience.
Manorama Online 2.5: Enhancing User Experience
Developing an Enhanced Interface and Experience on Web and e-reader platforms
News18 Boosts Video Success with Optimized Strategy
Optimizing Videos for Search leads to up to 58% Uplift in Discoverability and 84% increase in Engagement on News18 Sites.
NDTV leverages data and ML to drive +24% New User Growth
NDTV Increases User Engagement by 12% by Implementing Real-Time Newsroom Quality Index and Editorial Checklists.
Argentine publisher unifies data across sites
LA NACION’s single sign-on technology puts their first-party data strategy front and center.
News app connects Indonesian publisher with readers
Disway's mobile app a game-changer for its channel strategy
Manorama Online 2.5: Enhancing User Experience
Developing an Enhanced Interface and Experience on Web and e-reader platforms
French newspaper grows international audience
Le Monde harnesses AI translation to launch an English-language edition, boosting readership and engagement worldwide.
Dong Nai Newspaper Grows Reach and Revenue
Vietnamese publisher learns more about its readers to successfully boost engagement, and diversify revenue.
India TV's Winning Video Strategy Drives Traffic and Engagement Surge
India TV's implementation of video optimization best practices led to a significant boost in video discoverability and engagement across Google surfaces.
El Sol de México: Aligning Processes with Audience Needs
Participating in the Lab was key in their progress to strengthen their Audience Strategy.
Tuoi Tre Newspapers’ Data-Driven Evolution
A Vietnamese news publication personalized their reader experience through content analysis and data integration.
Amplifying audience improving Core Web Vitals
Itatiaia experienced an increase in audience engagement following the optimization of Core Web Vitals metrics.
Periodico AM: Asserting Locality and Immediacy
Local newspaper in Mexico innovates to better reach their audience.
Dong Nai Newspaper Grows Reach and Revenue
Vietnamese publisher learns more about its readers to successfully boost engagement, and diversify revenue.
NDTV leverages data and ML to drive +24% New User Growth
NDTV Increases User Engagement by 12% by Implementing Real-Time Newsroom Quality Index and Editorial Checklists.
Inquirer.net launches a newsletter for North American readers, leading to 3x higher open rate and 29x higher click-through rate
Learn how Inquirer.net has launched a curated newsletter to further engage with key audience segments abroad.
El Sol de México: Aligning Processes with Audience Needs
Participating in the Lab was key in their progress to strengthen their Audience Strategy.
Sakal’s Sign-Ups Skyrocket with Google One Tap
Google One Tap Unlocks User Sign-Up Floodgates for Sakal
Tuoi Tre Newspapers’ Data-Driven Evolution
A Vietnamese news publication personalized their reader experience through content analysis and data integration.
Manorama Online 2.5: Enhancing User Experience
Developing an Enhanced Interface and Experience on Web and e-reader platforms
Newsletters win over readers and increase engagement
London-based publisher Reach PLC launches a new email newsletter strategy across the UK, giving popular writers a key role in attracting subscribers.
Building a new reader-first news platform
Growing visitors and views with a refreshed digital presence and strategy
Amplifying audience improving Core Web Vitals
Itatiaia experienced an increase in audience engagement following the optimization of Core Web Vitals metrics.
Periodico AM: Asserting Locality and Immediacy
Local newspaper in Mexico innovates to better reach their audience.
Pinpoint Revolutionizes ABP's Reporting: Accuracy, Speed, and Efficiency
Pinpoint simplifies content deciphering for ABP Network’s editorial desks, enhancing efficiency.
Farklı bir şey mi arıyorsunuz?
Dijital gazeteciliğinizi güçlendirin
İlgi çekici haberleri bulmanıza, doğrulamanıza ve aktarmanıza yardımcı olabilecek dijital araçları ve kaynakları kullanın.
Gelirinizi artırın
Dijital reklamlar, abonelikler, üyelikler ve katkılardan daha fazla gelir elde etmenin yollarını keşfedin.
Tüm kaynaklar
Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki sektör uzmanları, akademisyenler ve haber kuruluşlarıyla birlikte tasarlanan araçlar, eğitimler ve kaynaklar.