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Lesson Overview


How to add them to your site

There are two ways to add and publish Web Stories on your site. Whether you’re using your own WordPress or, publishing is simple, and on, you can even import existing video content from channels like YouTube Shorts and others for immediate publishing.

What you’ll see in this Lesson:

  1. Publishing directly from your WordPress backend
  2. Connecting to your domain for simple publishing

Publishing directly from your WordPress backend


Because the WordPress editor is already connected your domain, publishing through WordPress is as simple as publishing a new article.

Simply insert a Web Stories block from the Editor, select the collection you wish to publish your newest Web Story to (Latest, Selected or Stories URL), specify a layout and then publish.

Remember to preview your Web Story for quality assurance before publishing. All of this can be accomplished natively in the Web Stories plugin for WordPress in the Editor section, and if you’re familiar with WordPress already, this action will feel a lot like creating, previewing, and publishing an article – only easier.

For more detailed information, read the Editor Documentation provided by WordPress.


Connecting to your domain for simple publishing

6.2 makes it easy to connect your domain and begin publishing Web Stories to your site. This process only needs to be undertaken once, after which your site will be connected for as long as you want it to be.

We’ve created a simple, step-by-step walkthrough about Connecting Your Domain [LINK IS FPO, NEEDS HOSTING WITHIN THE COURSE SITE] with It outlines the basic setup and helps troubleshoot any issues you may encounter. The entire process should only take a few minutes, but the team is always standing by to assist you in real-time.

View our detailed tutorial on linking to your subdomain. It’s simple.

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