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Il Sole 24 Ore

Creating a user-centric news experience

Il Sole 24 Ore’s new site search function helps users find more in-depth information.

Shining a light on issues, 24/7

Headquartered in Milan, Italy, financial news publisher Il Sole 24 Ore has roots stretching back to 1865. The newspaper’s name (“The sun 24 hours”) reflects their mission to be a reliable and impartial daily guide for individuals, families, businesses, and professionals — to spread knowledge and encourage economic development. Il Sole 24 Ore’s online news portal was founded in 1999, becoming an early leader in online news delivery. They haven’t slowed down since.

“The complexity of the economic, political, social, and cultural issues of the contemporary world is constantly increasing,” says General Director Karen Nahum, head of publishing and digital media. “We are a source of information and training on areas ranging from economic and financial issues to culture, climate change, and innovation. We offer tools [for readers to orient themselves] in the facts of the present and become protagonists of transformation for the future.”

One of the tools they sought to provide readers was a site search function that could deliver relevant, personalized results from across their portfolio of products. With a robust mix of varied content available, there wasn’t a straightforward way for users to discover the news portal’s articles and other media on topics important to them.

“They search on everything from economic policies and politics to laws and regulations to sustainability, financial education, markets, technology and AI, and broader infotainment,” Nahum says. “Our users are educated professionals. To meet their interests and [make] Il Sole 24 Ore’s entire contents and products portfolio [easily accessible] was essential. We wanted to further correlate [related] topics and create a [more comprehensive] list of articles from our archives.”

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Karen Nahum
“We are proud to work side-by-side with GNI to create a more user-centric digital ecosystem.”
General Director, Publishing & Digital Area, Il Sole 24 Ore

Elevating site search to improve results

Elevating the site search function, says Nahum, was essential to give readers full access to current and archived content, increase the number of registered users, build brand loyalty, and create value for clients. Il Sole 24 Ore had previously worked with the Google News Initiative (GNI) on content and product recommendation projects and paywall improvement. They had also attended GNI-sponsored educational programs, so they knew where to turn with their new search ideas.

The publisher approached GNI with goals for developing a site search function that would deliver personalized, AI-powered results — drawing content from their vast network of specialized digital newspapers and other products and services. They worked with the GNI team to create a roadmap to develop the new site search platform.

“With a structured workflow of calls and documentation, [the GNI team] guided us from the first proof of concept to the final delivery,” Nahum explains. Development took about a year. Il Sole 24 Ore chose Google Cloud IaaS to host the new site search platform, integrating Google Ad Manager for a better user experience and improved results for marketers.

YoY increase in search sessions
YoY increase in search sessions

Becoming a driver of change

The new site search function launched in December 2023 with a “research” box at the top of the homepage. Features include improved content discovery with personalized recommendations, making it easier for users to find relevant articles and related content. The publisher added additional sections and channels to the search results including video, photos, and podcasts, and they plan to add events as they further refine the site search capabilities.

“Personalization is driven in terms of formats, topics, and authors,” Nahum explains, noting that users can expand their knowledge based on the algorithm’s recommendations, including other users’ search queries (which appear in a box on the search results page, to users that are logged in).

“Our website deepens and broadens in real time the newspaper’s content in desktop and mobile versions,” she says. “[We are] integrating all our diverse formats, particularly videos, and our multitude of content to provide a unified view of our offerings.”

The site search function is customizable for logged-in users, who can activate a toggle to receive a personalized results page based on previous navigations, purchases, and site history. “[We are] combining new search capabilities through leveraging AI, aiming to offer a more personalized experience and to push site registration for lead generation,” she notes.

The initial results are encouraging. Since launch, “sessions on search rose about 5 percent from mobile devices comparing January through June 2024 vs. [the same time in] 2023,” Nahum says. “We consider this a small but significant shift in the right direction.”

Improving search is just one part of Il Sole 24 Ore’s efforts to ensure users find what they are seeking from their trusted financial news source. “With the interconnected challenges that the global economy, society, and technology [face] — in this decisive moment not only for the country but for the whole world — we must be able to anticipate the facts,” she says, and deliver them to readers. “We do it every day, choosing innovation as the engine of change.” to readers.

About Il Sole 24 Ore

Financial/economic newspaper Il Sole was founded in 1865 to “enlighten and ignite freedom.” Their motto: “We shine for everyone.” After a century in print, they merged with newspaper 24 ORE, and the first issue of Il Sole 24 Ore hit newsstands in November 1965. The online news portal launched in 1999. They are now owned by Gruppo 24 Ore, the leading media company in Italy in business, financial, and regulatory information.

Location: Milan, Italy

Google News Initiative — News Ideas

News publishers are innovating to find new ways to engage their audiences. From digital distribution and subscriptions to real-time analytics and AI, to giving readers a voice, they are using technology to reimagine news — with a focus on growing revenues and sophisticated/strong journalism. Their insights might inspire your own next big idea in the news.

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