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Eenadu Digital

How Eenadu increased ad fill rate and revenue by 15%

Eenadu designs new Ad Management System (AMS), increasing revenue

The Challenge, a leading Telugu digital news portal in India, observed challenges running fixed campaigns due to changing Ad scripts and difficulty executing high resolution creatives due to the file size limitations within their existing Ad Manager solution.

To overcome these obstacles, Eenadu decided to embark on developing a new Ad Management System (AMS) that aimed to streamline processes, save time, and decrease operational costs for . The new system empowered their execution teams to autonomously schedule and manage ad scripts, reducing dependence on technical support and enhancing operational efficiency.

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"The partnership with Google News Initiative helped eenadu to build inhouse Ad Management System, which has led to significant YoY growth, both from an AD fill rate and ROI perspective."
Sri I Venkat
Director, Eenadu

The Result

Eenadu partnered with Google on an Ad Management System (AMS) with the aim to enhance ad fills.

This system autonomously updated ad scripts, managed fixed ads, and integrated header bidding and refresh technologies.

Developed for user-friendly operation and designed using HTML5, CSS3, and JQuery plugin, the Ad Management System (AMS) generated tags via Google Ad Manager (GAM) for optimized monetization.

Eenadu achieved a remarkable 35% increase in ad fill rates and a 15% boost in total revenue.

This project is in continuation to the digital transformation process at Eenadu and built upon the 2023 redesigned website and optimization for mobile, which led to +25% increased audience engagement.

60% Total Fill Rate
25% uplift in Revenue
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Ad CMS - Home Screen
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Ad CMS - Script updation screen
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