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JoonAng Ilbo Pioneers the Subscription Journalism Era

JoongAng Ilbo leads the future of digital news in Korean media focusing on enhancing user experience

The Challenge

In a landscape dominated by subscription-based content consumption through OTT platforms and music streaming services, subscription journalism is still emerging in South Korea. Despite Korean audiences being accustomed to subscriptions in entertainment, the transition to paid news, traditionally accessed for free, posed significant challenges. 

JoongAng Ilbo, leading the innovation in the South Korean media landscape, was the first newspaper in Korea to introduce a paid subscription model, spearheading a new path of digital innovation. The key was not only to maintain its leadership but also to cultivate loyal readership through enhanced digital engagement. 

Recognizing the need to evolve beyond traditional news delivery, JoongAng Ilbo focused on converting casual website visitors into committed subscribers by personalizing their news experience.

"JoongAng Ilbo provides various news services, including the premium 'The Joongang Plus', and recently added features like 'My Page' and 'Article Gifting'. The 'Article Gifting' feature allows readers to share paid articles, each attracting an average of 14 new visitors, who often become subscribers, thus fostering a virtuous cycle. 'The JoongAng Plus' has developed numerous APIs to cater to the specific needs of each new service. As the number of APIs grew, managing them efficiently became more complex. To address this challenge, we leveraged Google Cloud APIGEE with 'My Page' and 'Gift Articles' features within 'The Joongang Plus'. This solution has already proven effective in boosting operational efficiency. Moving forward, we anticipate that APIGEE will be crucial in streamlining the management of features designed to improve reader convenience."

The Results

In response to these challenges, JoongAng Ilbo worked with Google Cloud to launch ‘My Page' and ‘Gift Article’ features utilizing Google Cloud APIGEE in 2023. ‘My Page’ empowers users to tailor their news experience, monitor their reading history, and earn badges throughout their journey with JoongAng Ilbo. This functionality has significantly boosted user engagement and increased website visits. Since its introduction, approximately 18% of subscribers have regularly accessed their 'My Page,' demonstrating its effectiveness in enhancing user interaction.

A key element of JoongAng Ilbo's digital strategy is the 'Gift Articles' feature. This innovative tool lets subscribers share premium articles with non-subscribers, sparking growth through personal recommendations. 'Gift Articles' has been a success, attracting 14 visitors every gift, and about 6% of them subscribed to the paid membership.

Google Cloud APIGEE has been crucial in implementing these features, enhancing backend operations to cut down on load times and simplify the addition of new features. Moving forward, JoongAng Ilbo plans to deepen its use of APIGEE to improve its subscription services and user experiences by integrating and analyzing data from various APIs.

This strategy not only reinforces JoongAng Ilbo's leadership in digital subscription innovation but also serves as a model for other South Korean media looking to make a similar digital leap.

  • +14 average visitors from each "Gift Article"
  • 10% of 'Gift Articles' convert to registered users (RU), and 6% become paid subscribers (PU)
  • 360,000 monthly average of new page views after introducing 'My Page' and 'Gift Articles.'
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'My Page' in 'The JoongAng Plus' is designed to offer exclusive services to paid subscribers
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The ‘Gift Article’ allows paid subscribers to organically recommend exclusive content of ‘The JoongAng Plus’
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'My Page' in 'The JoongAng Plus' is designed to offer exclusive services to paid subscribers
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The ‘Gift Article’ allows paid subscribers to organically recommend exclusive content of ‘The JoongAng Plus’
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