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Medialivre shifts culture to digital-first

Global Agenda tool puts cross-brand collaboration front and center.

Rebranding for digital transformation

With more than 15 brands across formats and verticals, Medialivre’s history extends back to the 1990s. It was only in 2023, though, that the group rebranded to Medialivre – and with this rebranding came a new focus on digital media.

“Previously, our business model was based on print revenue, which you know is fading,” explains Medialivre Chief Digital Officer Isabel Rodrigues. “With our rebranding, we wanted to reinvent the news operation for the digital age and ensure the sustainability of the business.”

Having worked with the Google News Initiative (GNI) on innovation projects in the past, Medialivre enlisted their help when launching Project Alfa, a complete digital transformation that would restructure editorial products, create new areas of expertise, and redefine the business for a multimedia, digital-first audience. The first step of Project Alfa, they decided, would simply be getting their various brands on the same page through workflow automation.

Streamlining cross-team communication

To create a convergent model where employees could communicate across brands, Medialivre created Global Agenda, a workflow automation tool to streamline content production. After scoping out the project with GNI, they launched Global Agenda in July 2024.

“This wouldn’t have happened so quickly without GNI,” Rodrigues says. “Putting this together with the Google team allowed us to go to market and make adjustments based on their feedback, so the partnership was very valuable thanks to the exchange of ideas and GNI’s support.”

Global Agenda now enables knowledge sharing among employees regardless of media outlet or location. “With the Agenda, everyone knows who is in the field and which story is our priority,” explains Bernardo Ribeiro, Deputy General Editorial Manager. “You can clean out redundancies, even if it's just a small thing like which car is taking which journalists where. It’s a new world for us.”

Global Agenda also integrates with Medialivre’s other software, so that photography and videography are available on the platform in addition to articles. All the classifications, keywords, and tags are uploaded automatically when journalists create a story, simplifying archive management.

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“GNI makes it happen. We wouldn’t be at the stage we’re at if it weren’t for Google’s expertise and insights.”
Bernardo Ribeiro
Deputy General Editorial Manager, Medialivre
  • 50% of the newsroom using Global Agenda after 3 months
  • 75% of content to be pre-classified after a year
  • 21% of content to be shared between brands after a year

A cultural shift toward collaboration

Around 50 percent of Medialivre’s newsroom currently uses Global Agenda, and they expect this figure to increase to 100 percent one-year post-launch.

Recently, one of Medialivre’s television stations, News Now, covered a press conference announcing Manchester United’s new football manager and shared the story with two other Medialivre brands – the Record newspaper and CMTV news station – saving these outlets significant time and money. The amount of shared content between brands currently stands at less than 10 percent, but Medialivre anticipates that it will reach 21 percent by the one-year mark in July 2025. They also expect 75 percent of content to be pre-classified by that time, meaning it will be automatically populated with primary keywords and metadata in Global Agenda.

As the introduction to Project Alfa, Rodrigues says that Global Agenda has broken down silos within Medialivre, resulting in a cultural change for the organization. “Despite working in an open space, we still had the mentality of working independently,” she says. “Now, even with different levels of access, we all share Global Agenda, and that promotes collaboration in a way that we’ve never seen before.”

Google News Initiative — News Ideas

News publishers are innovating to find new ways to engage their audiences. From digital distribution and subscriptions to real-time analytics and AI, to giving readers a voice, they are using technology to reimagine news — with a focus on growing revenues and sophisticated/strong journalism. Their insights might inspire your own next big idea in the news.

About Medialivre

Originally established in 1995 as Cofina Media, Medialivre launched in 2023 to empower Portuguese society through credible, courageous, and independent information. With 15-plus brands across newspapers, magazines, websites, cable television, and a news radio station while undertaking a major digital transformation.


Lisbon, Portugal

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