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GNI Live

GNI Live Course Image
GNI Live Course Image

GNI Live

GNI Live is a series of live training sessions hosted on YouTube Live. 

Training in English will be live from October 20 to December 21. 
Session recordings will remain on YouTube for replay. 


October 22nd - Journalism Studio and Pinpoint - Add it to your Calendar
October 26th - Elections - Add it to your Calendar
November 9th - Remote CollaborationAdd it to your Calendar
November 23rd - Podcasts - Add it to your Calendar
December 7th - Data Journalism and Machine Learning Add it to your Calendar
December 21st - Verification - Add it to your Calendar


October 22nd - Journalism Studio and Pinpoint - Add it to your Calendar
October 29th - Elections - Add it to your Calendar
November 9th - Distributed newsroom - Add it to your Calendar
November 23rd - Podcasts - Add it to your Calendar
December 7th - Data Journalism and Machine Learning - Add it to your Calendar
December 21st - Verification - Add it to your Calendar

During each of the sessions, viewers can ask live questions using the Youtube Live chat facility.

Parabéns! Terminou GNI Live Sim, em curso
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