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Leçon 1 sur 7
Build your audience with Google's analytics tools
Commencez à développer votre public
Build your audience with News Consumer Insights
Augmentez votre trafic avec Search Console (8:49)
Tools for News Publishers
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Build your audience with Google's analytics tools


Make better decisions based on your audiences’ data


What are Google’s Tools for Analytics?

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How well do you know your audiences?

Research shows that compared to news organizations that don't use audience data, news organizations that understand their audiences:

  • Earn 20% more reader revenue
  • Sell digital ads for 20% higher prices, and
  • Get 40% more clicks on their stories

What Google tools can help me build my audiences?

  1. Google Analytics
  2. News Consumer Insights
  3. Realtime Content Insights
  4. Google Looker Studio

You will need a Google Analytics account to use News Consumer Insights, Realtime Content Insights, and Google Looker Studio.

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Understand your audiences with Google Analytics


News organizations use Google Analytics to:

  • Measure traffic
  • Understand audience behavior, like how often they visit
  • Create real-time reports

What should I know about my audience?

  • What news do my audiences care about?
  • Where are my audiences coming from?
  • How do I attract more audiences?
  • How do I keep audiences on my site longer?


Make decisions with data with News Consumer Insights

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How do I attract more audiences, or keep audiences on my news site for longer?

News Consumer Insights analyzes your Google Analytics data to help you grow your audience by segmenting them by engagement:

  • Casual Readers
  • Loyal Readers
  • Brand Lovers

Based on your audience data, News Consumer Insights recommends how to grow their engagement, so you can grow your revenue.

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Discover your best stories with Realtime Content Insights

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What news do your audiences care about?

Realtime Content Insights analyzes your Google Analytics data to help you discover:

  • Your best stories, in real-time and historically
  • The stories your most engaged audiences read
  • What people are searching for near you on Google and YouTube

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Visualize data with Google Looker Studio

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How can I better use my data?

With Google Looker Studio, you can

  • Collect data across Google Analytics, Google Ads, and other Google products
  • Visualize data in one place
  • Keep your team up-to-date with automated reporting

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