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Digital makeover increases publisher’s revenue

SWA launches mobile app with monetization features and receives training for web optimization

The Challenge

SWA is a news-marketing legacy magazine known for its influence in the industry. Before joining the program, the SWA team struggled to improve the website’s traffic and advertising revenue, and had relatively high overheads due to server deployment. The SWA team had an additional goal of extending their presence to another platform of distribution.

The Solution

Through the Google News Initiative’s Local News Foundry program, SWA gained the necessary training and optimized their website leading to a higher Core Web Vitals (CWV) Score. ProPS, the program execution partner, helped SWA to develop the mobile app with monetization capabilities.

Through the program, I learnt many tips and best practices on how to better monetize the website, optimizing revenue performance and the correlation between website performance and overall traffic.
Zetta Saraswati
Managing Editor, SWA
Zetta Saraswati
  • 100%+ increase in ads revenue YoY
  • 100%+ increase in pageviews with improved user experience and relevant content based approach YoY (Nov 21 Vs Nov 22)
  • 211 App downloads after 2 months of going live
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