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Erfahren Sie, wie Nachrichtenorganisationen auf der ganzen Welt ihre Berichterstattung und ihr digitales Geschäft ausweiten.


Alle Fallstudien

      • Land auswählen
      • Afghanistan
      • Ägypten
      • Åland-Inseln
      • Albanien
      • Algerien
      • Amerikanisch-Samoa
      • Amerikanische Jungferninseln
      • Andorra
      • Angola
      • Anguilla
      • Antarktis
      • Antigua und Barbuda
      • Äquatorialguinea
      • Argentinien
      • Armenien
      • Aruba
      • Aserbaidschan
      • Asien/Pazifik – regional/grenzüberschreitend
      • Äthiopien
      • Australien
      • Bahamas
      • Bahrain
      • Bangladesch
      • Barbados
      • Belgien
      • Belize
      • Benin
      • Bermuda
      • Bhutan
      • Bolivien
      • Bonaire, Sint Eustatius und Saba
      • Bosnien und Herzegowina
      • Botswana
      • Bouvetinsel
      • Brasilien
      • Britische Jungferninseln
      • Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean
      • Brunei Darussalam
      • Bulgarien
      • Burkina Faso
      • Burundi
      • Chile
      • China
      • Commonwealth der Nördlichen Marianen
      • Cookinseln
      • Costa Rica
      • Côte d'Ivoire
      • Curaçao
      • Dänemark
      • Deutschland
      • Dominica
      • Dominikanische Republik
      • Dschibuti
      • Ecuador
      • El Salvador
      • Eritrea
      • Estland
      • Eswatini
      • Europa – regional/grenzüberschreitend
      • Falklandinseln (Malwinen)
      • Faröerinseln
      • Fidschi
      • Finnland
      • Frankreich
      • Französisch Guinea
      • Französisch-Polynesien
      • Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete
      • Gabun
      • Gambia
      • Georgien
      • Ghana
      • Gibraltar
      • Granada
      • Griechenland
      • Grönland
      • Guadeloupe
      • Guam
      • Guatemala
      • Guernsey
      • Guinea
      • Guinea-Bissau
      • Guyana
      • Haiti
      • Heard und McDonaldinseln
      • Honduras
      • Hong Kong
      • Indien
      • Indonesien
      • Irak
      • Iran (Islamische Republik)
      • Irland
      • Island
      • Isle of Man
      • Israel
      • Italien
      • Jamaika
      • Japan
      • Jemen
      • Jersey
      • Jordanien
      • Kaimaninseln
      • Kambodscha
      • Kamerun
      • Kanada
      • Kap Verde
      • Kasachstan
      • Katar
      • Kenia
      • Kirgisistan
      • Kirivati
      • Kokosinseln (Keelinginseln)
      • Kolumbien
      • Komoren
      • Kongo
      • Kongo (Demokratische Republik)
      • Korea (Demokratische Volksrepublik)
      • Korea (Republik)
      • Kosovo
      • Kroatien
      • Kuba
      • Kuwait
      • Laos, Demokratische Volksrepublik
      • Lateinamerika – regional/grenzüberschreitend
      • Lesotho
      • Lettland
      • Libanon
      • Liberia
      • Libyen
      • Liechtenstein
      • Litauen
      • Luxemburg
      • Macao
      • Madagaskar
      • Malawi
      • Malaysia
      • Malediven
      • Mali
      • Malta
      • Marokko
      • Marshallinseln
      • Martinique
      • Mauretanien
      • Mauritius
      • Mayotte
      • Mexiko
      • Mikronesien (Föderierte Staaten von)
      • Moldawien (Republik)
      • Monaco
      • Mongolei
      • Montenegro
      • Montserrat
      • Mozambique
      • Myanmar
      • Naher Osten, Afrika, Türkei – regional/grenzüberschreitend
      • Namibia
      • Nauru
      • Nepal
      • Neukaledonien
      • Neuseeland
      • Nicaragua
      • Niederlande
      • Niger
      • Nigeria
      • Niue
      • Nordamerika – regional/grenzüberschreitend
      • Norfolkinsel
      • North Macedonia
      • Norwegen
      • Oman
      • Österreich
      • Osttimor
      • Pakistan
      • Palästina
      • Palau
      • Panama
      • Papua Neu Guinea
      • Paraguay
      • Peru
      • Philippinen
      • Pitcairn
      • Polen
      • Portugal
      • Puerto Rico
      • Réunion
      • Ruanda
      • Rumänien
      • Russische Föderation
      • Saint-Barthélemy
      • Saint-Pierre und Miquelon
      • Salomonen
      • Sambia
      • Samoa
      • San Marino
      • São Tomé und Príncipe
      • Saudi Arabien
      • Schweden
      • Schweiz
      • Senegal
      • Serbien
      • Seychellen
      • Sierra Leone
      • Simbabwe
      • Singapur
      • Sint Maarten (niederländischer Teil)
      • Slowakei
      • Slowenien
      • Somalia
      • Spanien
      • Spitzbergen und Jan Mayen
      • Sri Lanka
      • St. Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha
      • St. Kitts und Nevis
      • St. Lucia
      • St. Martin (französischer Teil)
      • St. Vincent und die Grenadinen
      • Südafrika
      • Sudan
      • Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln
      • Südsudan
      • Surinam
      • Syrien, Arabische Republik
      • Tadschikistan
      • Taiwan (Provinz Chinas)
      • Tanzania, the United Republic of
      • Thailand
      • Togo
      • Tokelau
      • Tonga
      • Trinidad und Tobago
      • Tschad
      • Tschechien
      • Tunesien
      • Türkei
      • Turkmenistan
      • Turks- und Caicosinseln
      • Tuvalu
      • USA - Sonstige Kleine Inseln
      • Uganda
      • Ukraine
      • Ungarn
      • Uruguay
      • Usbekistan
      • Vanuatu
      • Vatikanstadt
      • Venezuela (Bolivarische Republik)
      • Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
      • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
      • Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland
      • Vietnam
      • Wallis und Futuna
      • Weihnachtsinsel
      • Weißrussland
      • Westsahara
      • Zentralafrikanische Republik
      • Zypern
Sortieren nach:
  • Empfohlen
  • Neueste zuerst
  • Älteste zuerst
Eingrenzen nach:
      • Land auswählen
      • Afghanistan
      • Ägypten
      • Åland-Inseln
      • Albanien
      • Algerien
      • Amerikanisch-Samoa
      • Amerikanische Jungferninseln
      • Andorra
      • Angola
      • Anguilla
      • Antarktis
      • Antigua und Barbuda
      • Äquatorialguinea
      • Argentinien
      • Armenien
      • Aruba
      • Aserbaidschan
      • Asien/Pazifik – regional/grenzüberschreitend
      • Äthiopien
      • Australien
      • Bahamas
      • Bahrain
      • Bangladesch
      • Barbados
      • Belgien
      • Belize
      • Benin
      • Bermuda
      • Bhutan
      • Bolivien
      • Bonaire, Sint Eustatius und Saba
      • Bosnien und Herzegowina
      • Botswana
      • Bouvetinsel
      • Brasilien
      • Britische Jungferninseln
      • Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean
      • Brunei Darussalam
      • Bulgarien
      • Burkina Faso
      • Burundi
      • Chile
      • China
      • Commonwealth der Nördlichen Marianen
      • Cookinseln
      • Costa Rica
      • Côte d'Ivoire
      • Curaçao
      • Dänemark
      • Deutschland
      • Dominica
      • Dominikanische Republik
      • Dschibuti
      • Ecuador
      • El Salvador
      • Eritrea
      • Estland
      • Eswatini
      • Europa – regional/grenzüberschreitend
      • Falklandinseln (Malwinen)
      • Faröerinseln
      • Fidschi
      • Finnland
      • Frankreich
      • Französisch Guinea
      • Französisch-Polynesien
      • Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete
      • Gabun
      • Gambia
      • Georgien
      • Ghana
      • Gibraltar
      • Granada
      • Griechenland
      • Grönland
      • Guadeloupe
      • Guam
      • Guatemala
      • Guernsey
      • Guinea
      • Guinea-Bissau
      • Guyana
      • Haiti
      • Heard und McDonaldinseln
      • Honduras
      • Hong Kong
      • Indien
      • Indonesien
      • Irak
      • Iran (Islamische Republik)
      • Irland
      • Island
      • Isle of Man
      • Israel
      • Italien
      • Jamaika
      • Japan
      • Jemen
      • Jersey
      • Jordanien
      • Kaimaninseln
      • Kambodscha
      • Kamerun
      • Kanada
      • Kap Verde
      • Kasachstan
      • Katar
      • Kenia
      • Kirgisistan
      • Kirivati
      • Kokosinseln (Keelinginseln)
      • Kolumbien
      • Komoren
      • Kongo
      • Kongo (Demokratische Republik)
      • Korea (Demokratische Volksrepublik)
      • Korea (Republik)
      • Kosovo
      • Kroatien
      • Kuba
      • Kuwait
      • Laos, Demokratische Volksrepublik
      • Lateinamerika – regional/grenzüberschreitend
      • Lesotho
      • Lettland
      • Libanon
      • Liberia
      • Libyen
      • Liechtenstein
      • Litauen
      • Luxemburg
      • Macao
      • Madagaskar
      • Malawi
      • Malaysia
      • Malediven
      • Mali
      • Malta
      • Marokko
      • Marshallinseln
      • Martinique
      • Mauretanien
      • Mauritius
      • Mayotte
      • Mexiko
      • Mikronesien (Föderierte Staaten von)
      • Moldawien (Republik)
      • Monaco
      • Mongolei
      • Montenegro
      • Montserrat
      • Mozambique
      • Myanmar
      • Naher Osten, Afrika, Türkei – regional/grenzüberschreitend
      • Namibia
      • Nauru
      • Nepal
      • Neukaledonien
      • Neuseeland
      • Nicaragua
      • Niederlande
      • Niger
      • Nigeria
      • Niue
      • Nordamerika – regional/grenzüberschreitend
      • Norfolkinsel
      • North Macedonia
      • Norwegen
      • Oman
      • Österreich
      • Osttimor
      • Pakistan
      • Palästina
      • Palau
      • Panama
      • Papua Neu Guinea
      • Paraguay
      • Peru
      • Philippinen
      • Pitcairn
      • Polen
      • Portugal
      • Puerto Rico
      • Réunion
      • Ruanda
      • Rumänien
      • Russische Föderation
      • Saint-Barthélemy
      • Saint-Pierre und Miquelon
      • Salomonen
      • Sambia
      • Samoa
      • San Marino
      • São Tomé und Príncipe
      • Saudi Arabien
      • Schweden
      • Schweiz
      • Senegal
      • Serbien
      • Seychellen
      • Sierra Leone
      • Simbabwe
      • Singapur
      • Sint Maarten (niederländischer Teil)
      • Slowakei
      • Slowenien
      • Somalia
      • Spanien
      • Spitzbergen und Jan Mayen
      • Sri Lanka
      • St. Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha
      • St. Kitts und Nevis
      • St. Lucia
      • St. Martin (französischer Teil)
      • St. Vincent und die Grenadinen
      • Südafrika
      • Sudan
      • Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln
      • Südsudan
      • Surinam
      • Syrien, Arabische Republik
      • Tadschikistan
      • Taiwan (Provinz Chinas)
      • Tanzania, the United Republic of
      • Thailand
      • Togo
      • Tokelau
      • Tonga
      • Trinidad und Tobago
      • Tschad
      • Tschechien
      • Tunesien
      • Türkei
      • Turkmenistan
      • Turks- und Caicosinseln
      • Tuvalu
      • USA - Sonstige Kleine Inseln
      • Uganda
      • Ukraine
      • Ungarn
      • Uruguay
      • Usbekistan
      • Vanuatu
      • Vatikanstadt
      • Venezuela (Bolivarische Republik)
      • Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
      • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
      • Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland
      • Vietnam
      • Wallis und Futuna
      • Weihnachtsinsel
      • Weißrussland
      • Westsahara
      • Zentralafrikanische Republik
      • Zypern
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  • Älteste zuerst

Geschützte Räume in lateinamerikanischen Medien schaffen


Chicas Poderosas bietet Coaching und Unterstützung für Journalistinnen und LGBTQ+-Journalisten.

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Aufmerksamkeit für Meldungen mit unzureichender Berichterstattung


Ein von Frauen gegründetes Netzwerk von Journalistinnen und Nachrichtenorganisationen in ganz Mexiko.

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Höhere Verkehrssicherheit dank KI-gestütztem Journalismus


Für seine Untersuchung von Verkehrsdaten erhielt der Boston Globe den Pulitzer-Preis.

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Fürsprecher für Gleichstellung in Australien


Media Diversity Australia setzt sich für mehr Diversität in den australischen Medien ein.

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Digitaler Wandel beim kollaborativen Journalismus


„Les coops de l'information“ ist eine Kooperative von sechs Verlagen bzw. Webpublishern in Quebec

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Geo-Journalismus im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel


Ripples Nigeria ist eine Nachrichtenplattform für datengestützte Berichterstattung zum Thema Umweltschutz.

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Ein Experiment mit offenen Daten und Bürgerbeteiligung


READr untersucht, wie die Bindung und Einbeziehung von Lesern das Vertrauen in die Nachrichten erhöhen kann.

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Kooperation zum Kampf gegen Fehlinformationen


CekFakta ist eine Kooperation zum Kampf gegen die Verbreitung von Fehlinformationen und gezielter Desinformation.

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Bekämpfung von Fehlinformationen in Indien


Im Rahmen der Initiative „India Training Network“ hat DataLEADS mehr als 35.000 indische Journalisten ausgebildet

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Mithilfe von KI erhobene Zielgruppeninformationen


"Das größte Problem der Nachrichtenbranche in Südkorea besteht darin, dass man als Nachrichtenwebsite keine Verfügung über die Nutzerdaten hat." -Seung-Il Kim, Digital Editor of Strategy, Busan Ilbo

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Alma Preta: Eine neue Stimme für Schwarze Medien in Brasilien


Alma Preta bietet Nachrichten für Brasilien aus der Perspektive von Schwarzen und anderen Minderheiten

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Sprachbarrieren überwinden


„Eine der größten Herausforderungen für Immigranten besteht darin, lokale Nachrichten zu beziehen, insbesondere in ihrer Sprache. Deshalb ist es uns ein wichtiges Anliegen, dieser Community zu helfen.“ -Rocio Tirado, Chief Operating Officer, Jambalaya News

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Customer Data Platform (CDP) enables content personalization


Indian Express Sees Early Success with Data-Driven Personalization

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Creating a more user-centric news experience


Il Sole 24 Ore’s new site search function helps users find more in-depth information.

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Journalistic Creators Lab 2024


The GNI Journalistic Creators Lab tackles these challenges by pairing pioneering journalistic creators with skilled coaches, who offer tailored mentorship and consulting throughout the program.

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French newspaper grows international audience


Le Monde harnesses AI translation to launch an English-language edition, boosting readership and engagement worldwide.

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Sharing articles to boost digital subscriptions


French daily newspaper Libération increases subscriptions with new “share with a friend” and datawall features.

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Local News Publications moves to Google Ad Manager


Significantly growing their digital advertising revenue

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My City Logan delivers strong digital ad presence


Capitalizing on a strong established readership in the local market.

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Engaging 7NEWS audience through live sport


A distinctive digital destination for millions of fans at 7NEWS.com.au

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BurdaForward app offers refreshing approach to news fatigue


German media group provides critical information while limiting harmful triggers.

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Account linking improves engagement and retention


News Corp Australia subscribers with Google-linked accounts have better engagement and retention

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Sanoma steps up account personalization


Finnish media brand boosts user engagement with My News Service features.

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DEI from the Heart of Japanese Journalism


How Kyodo News is Transforming Diversity

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A new audience with online video news bulletins


The West Australian launches “Up Late with Ben Harvey”, in partnership with Google

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ACM grows Audience Engagement and Search Traffic


Innovative AI-assisted SEO and Personalised Content Recirculation boost engagement

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Unlocking Video Success: The ABP Live Story


48% New Viewers, 43% More Views, 100M+ Minutes

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Dong-A Ilbo increases engagement through improved UX


Dong-A Ilbo’s revamped website focuses on reader readability, convenience and personalisation.

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Digital hyperlocal Crux applies new ad solutions


Monetising both hyperlocal and network audiences with direct and programmatic ads

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A Legacy of Ink, A Future of Inclusion


Mainichi Shimbun's Pursuit of Diversity in Japanese Journalism

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Increase the CVR of the Nikkei Online Edition


Nikkei uncovered insights to enhance user acquisition effectively by optimizing UI/UX Design.

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Gruner + Jahr drives a cultural shift toward AI


Publisher creates cross-team working groups to foster innovation and agility.

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Promoting positive discussion to engage readers


Delfi’s new user-commenting platform uses AI to combat disinformation.

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How Eenadu increased ad fill rate and revenue by 15%


Eenadu designs new Ad Management System (AMS), increasing revenue.

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Manorama Online 2.5: Enhancing User Experience


Developing an Enhanced Interface and Experience on Web and e-reader platforms

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Student offer drives high engagement and retention


Attracting the next generation of subscribers to the West Australian with Reader Revenue Manager.

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Inspiring Pakistan’s youth to make and consume news in new ways


Discover how The Current is putting youth at the heart of its mission to reimagine the newsroom and engage younger audiences

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Amplifying audience improving Core Web Vitals


Itatiaia experienced an increase in audience engagement following the optimization of Core Web Vitals metrics.

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US and Canada Pre-launch Lab Cohort 2024


Google is providing hands-on coaching and curriculum to 25 early-stage digital news and information efforts. Learn about the 2024 U.S. and Canada cohort.

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Periodico AM: Asserting Locality and Immediacy


Local newspaper in Mexico innovates to better reach their audience.

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El Sol de México: Aligning Processes with Audience Needs


Participating in the Lab was key in their progress to strengthen their Audience Strategy.

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Stuff, New Zealand news publisher, builds for the future


Stuff redesigned and rebuilt their site with future-fit technology.

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Spanish media group catches the AI wave


HENNEO undertakes a wide-ranging initiative to integrate AI across its operations.

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How a digital news site in Uttarakhand grew its digital ad revenue


Uttra News increases ad revenue by 484% with Progressive Web App technology

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Tuoi Tre Newspapers’ Data-Driven Evolution


A Vietnamese news publication personalized their reader experience through content analysis and data integration.

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Dong Nai Newspaper Grows Reach and Revenue


Vietnamese publisher learns more about its readers to successfully boost engagement, and diversify revenue.

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Nghe An Newspaper Boosts Speed and Readership


Vietnamese publisher participated in the Google News Initiative’s Advertising Lab to enhance their digital transformation.

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NDTV leverages data and ML to drive +24% New User Growth


NDTV Increases User Engagement by 12% by Implementing Real-Time Newsroom Quality Index and Editorial Checklists.

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The Saturday Paper attracts new subscribers with video


Video series boosts brand awareness with over 680,000 views and conversion through Reader Revenue Manager.

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Bonnier News growing subscribers through cross-sell opportunities


Bonnier News growing subscribers through cross-sell opportunities

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ACM grows digital subscriptions with a premium app


Full featured app incentives farmers to switch to a paid digital subscription

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Building a new reader-first news platform


Growing visitors and views with a refreshed digital presence and strategy

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Inquirer.net launches a newsletter for North American readers, leading to 3x higher open rate and 29x higher click-through rate


Learn how Inquirer.net has launched a curated newsletter to further engage with key audience segments abroad.

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GMA Integrated News Digital’s "InoculatED" combats misinformation through pre-bunking, with the help of AI-powered tools for faster content creation.


Broadcast giant and online leader GMA Network, through its Digital Strategy and Innovation Lab, has won at the latest round of the Google News Initiative (GNI) Asia Pacific Innovation Challenge for a project aimed at fighting misinformation.

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talkSPORT scores more readers with data-driven insights


News UK and talkSPORT deliver a big win for sports fans across the UK with improved site experiences.

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News18 Boosts Video Success with Optimized Strategy


Optimizing Videos for Search leads to up to 58% Uplift in Discoverability and 84% increase in Engagement on News18 Sites.

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Centralizing data for actionable insights


Economedia and Capital leverage data to understand audiences, increase user engagement, and optimize revenue.

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Newsletters win over readers and increase engagement


London-based publisher Reach PLC launches a new email newsletter strategy across the UK, giving popular writers a key role in attracting subscribers.

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Sakal’s Sign-Ups Skyrocket with Google One Tap


Google One Tap Unlocks User Sign-Up Floodgates for Sakal

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iNews.id boosts registrations with refined SSO strategy


Find out how iNews has accelerated registration uptakes through collecting more first-party data via a reworked Single Sign-On (SSO) strategy.

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Digital paper adds to revenue streams with AI


Digital paper adds to revenue streams with AI

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Pinpoint Revolutionizes ABP's Reporting: Accuracy, Speed, and Efficiency


Pinpoint simplifies content deciphering for ABP Network’s editorial desks, enhancing efficiency.

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Engaging audiences with AI-driven newsletters


Telegraph Media Group uses artificial intelligence to curate newsletter content based on readers’ interests, increasing click-through rates.

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Evolving a project into full-fledged media business


Startups Lab helps The NRI Nation create the infrastructure to allow for future growth

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Getting creative when crafting employee culture


Southwest Contemporary learns how to create policies and templates that reflect its artistic spirit

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Polish news site links national football team’s manager with match-fixing mastermind


Wirtualna Polska uses Pinpoint to analyze 65,000 pages of court documents, proving links between the manager of Poland’s national football team and the architect behind a massive match-fixing scandal.

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Telling stories that matter with a boost from AI


Podcast platform Suno India is finding novel ways to use technology, including AI-powered Pinpoint, to deliver fearless, in-depth reporting at a community and national level.

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Safeguarding the Amazon with the help of AI


On a mission to protect the rights of indigenous people in the Amazon, InfoAmazonia used Pinpoint to scan through hours of meeting minutes to build their case.

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Using AI to Keep Communities Informed


Blue Ridge Public Radio turned to Pinpoint, Google’s AI-powered research tool, to unlock insights from hundreds of records related to a delayed renovation project for unhoused people in North Carolina.

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Gaining confidence in managing money


Learning how to forecast and budget helps “Clearing a New Path” podcast founder take control of her finances

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India TV's Winning Video Strategy Drives Traffic and Engagement Surge


India TV's implementation of video optimization best practices led to a significant boost in video discoverability and engagement across Google surfaces.

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NZME launches The Listener subscription vertical


NZME expands their digital subscription products to include The Listener, increasing ARPU.

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NZME enhances data quality in the newsroom


NZME adopts Dataform, enhancing data model reliability and quality.

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How Wirtualna Polska uses AI to tackle toxic content on their platform


In Poland, WP built a moderation engine to provide a safe platform for open discussion

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Optimizing reader journey and engagement with technology


How one of the world’s leading multimedia publishing groups used a newly developed platform to achieve their greatest goal

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Regional Digital News Media: How Google’s Offerwall helped drive 20% increase in revenue for Sakal Media Group


Sakal Media experimented with Google Offerwall to build a sustainable revenue stream

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Enriching article information with Article DNA


How Article DNA is used to influence conversion and retention

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IE Online’s Path to Subscription Excellence


Architect a subscription platform for active subscriber engagement, acquisition, and retention.

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News outlet gives younger readers a voice


News daily Público streamlines their user content submission platform, enabling readers to submit more stories while making editors’ lives easier.

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Paywall Content Selection Using AI


Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung utilizes an AI and ML service to predict which articles will have the best conversion performance

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Growing subscriptions with the help of technology


Sanoma grew paid subscriptions to over 400,000 by matching customer segments with online revenue streams

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Journalism veterans rally around mental health


Headlines Network provides journalists and newsroom leaders with workshops and toolkits to safeguard mental health and, by extension, the industry.

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Argentine publisher unifies data across sites


LA NACION’s single sign-on technology puts their first-party data strategy front and center.

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Robin puts tech in the hands of journalists to scale video production


Find out how Robin enabled its journalists to create and publish more video – and grow its business in the process.

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Startups Lab India Cohort 2023


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US and Canada Pre-launch Lab Cohort 2023


Google is providing hands-on coaching and curriculum to 25 early-stage digital news and information efforts. Learn about the 2023 U.S. and Canada cohort.

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News app connects Indonesian publisher with readers


Disway's mobile app a game-changer for its channel strategy

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Kompas TV boosts audience and revenue with smartphone journalism


Started in 2011, Kompas TV is an Indonesian TV station with a prolific online digital video and social media presence. It covers national news, politics, sports, and entertainment

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iNews empowers young reporters with smartphone video journalism


iNews, a leading Indonesian broadcaster with 24 local networks, delivers news, talk shows, magazines, and sports programs nationwide

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Empowering regional journalists, Kumparan uplifts video quality.


Kumparan is an Indonesian online media platform. Started in 2017, it publishes editorial news and user-generated content from across the country.

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Website performance and revenue grew in 2021


Radar Cirebon increased revenue by improving website performance with tailored recommendations and insights

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Empowered youth in Yogyakarta through journalism


Empowered younger citizens in Yogyakarta to share stories through journalism and gained 60% growth in total unique visitors on the website.

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Kompas TV


Kompas TV invests in smartphone journalism and grows audience and revenue

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Google Identity Services (GIS) integration leads to accelerated acquisition of first-party data


ABPLIVE deployed Google Identity Services on their eight websites (desktop and mobile) and app to expedite the acquisition of first-party data

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A mobile-first content strategy & UX design


To bridge the gap between digital consumers and the newsroom, The Hindu created new standards, workflows and metrics, redesigned websites and trained editorial teams.

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Petit Press saves time and money with cloud-based digital asset management


Petit Press built an open-source publishing system that enables newsrooms to more efficiently manage, store, and distribute digital content.

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Global Media Group increases collaboration between its media brands


Media group centralizes content management and increases publishing efficiency for 13 historic Portuguese news outlets.

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Making the truth easier to find


Making the truth easier to find

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Benachteiligten Menschen Gehör verschaffen


Das Ziel von The Oaklandside besteht darin, benachteiligten Menschen Informationen zu bieten und Gehör zu verschaffen.

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NZME enhances data maturity & audience targeting


New Zealand publisher increased engagement and optimised registration and subscriber flows, developing a data-led lifecycle & personalised storycards on the NZ Herald.

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Amplifying audience engagement through technology


Lampung.co's audience engagement soars with technical training and content curation

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Indonesian publisher’s numbers up with video and PWA


JabarEkspres' video advertising and implementation of PWA opened up new audiences and revenue streams

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Sinar Harian develops in-house reader insights training to sustain their digital future


Find out how the team at Sinar Harian are upskilling their newsroom in data literacy and gaining a better understanding of their audience

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training in Japan


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Push Notifications Drive More Views to Content


Populis' work culture and approach to engagement were transformed through the Local News Foundry program

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Digital makeover increases publisher’s revenue


SWA launches mobile app with monetization features and receives training for web optimization

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Engagement up as Indonesian publisher upskills


Suara Cirebon's digital transformation drives audience engagement

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Inverness Courier diversifies their audience


Inverness Courier embraces digital change by fostering a culture of experimentation

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How La Croix boosted subscription performance


La Croix, a French news publisher, shifts to digital-first from print

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How Kauppalehti is growing their female readership


Kauppalehti engages female readers by using data to tailor content strategies

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The Irish Times increases revenue


Irish Times accelerates digital growth and successfully extends audience reach

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Boosting El Mundo's subscription base


El Mundo improves ads & subscriptions amid press ad decline

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El Confidencial caters to younger audiences


El Confidencial implements a strategy to broaden reach and age demographic

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The Daily Maverick reaches their North Star goal


Daily Maverick grows their audience in South Africa through data insight

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Pùblico's strategy to increase sub retention


Público increases reach of digital subscribers through pivotal changes

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Developing a market and viability study for new idea


Santa Cruz Local examines the viability of a Spanish-language product

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Building a board to turbocharge LBGTQ+ publisher’s growth


How The Buckeye Flame built a plan for revenue by leveraging their supporters

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Focusing on people operations for innovation and training


La Converse and École Converse turn an eye to hiring and onboarding processes as they grow

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Shifting a mindset to launch a new revenue strategy


Thinking holistically about revenue streams helped the Springfield Daily Citizen focus on a new strategy to satisfy multiple business imperatives

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Le Figaro accélère le recrutement de ses abonnements digitaux


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Focusing a revenue strategy on social audiences


Queerency’s Travers Johnson makes an unconventional choice for LGBTQ+ publication

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Improving employee retention through systems and documentation


Taproot Publishing launched an employee intranet portal in their quest to grow and retain remote team members

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Building a roadmap to revenue growth


Financial planning helps Anchor Media expand revenue operations

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Building a succession plan


LebTown lays the groundwork to hire a managing editor

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Taking control of organizational finances


The GNI Startups Lab helped The Record co-founder develop a new skill set and gain confidence

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