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Indonesian publisher’s numbers up with video and PWA

JabarEkspres' video advertising and implementation of PWA opened up new audiences and revenue streams

The Challenge

JabarEkspres was first published on February 7, 2009 with both online and print editions. After deciding to focus on younger audiences, the team became concerned about how to retain and convert them into loyal audiences. Revenue generation was also a concern due to the higher costs of producing content.

The Solution

JabarEkspress was able to add new advertising inventories, such as videos, while optimizing the organization’s use of Google Ad Manager. As a result, the company’s revenue increased by 74%. The publisher also implemented Progressive Web App (PWA), a web page that provides a similar experience as a mobile application, and increased their subscribers from to 960,145.

Through the Local News Foundry program, we are better equipped to understand and develop our audience, and ultimately to improve our company's performance.
Rizky Anggiono
Manager IT, JabarEkspress
  • 100%+ traffic increased after the program.
  • 960,145 new PWA subscribers after the program (Nov 2022)
  • 74% Revenue increase after the program (YoY).
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