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Amplia il tuo pubblico
Usa i dati per ampliare e conoscere il tuo pubblico, dare forma ai tuoi contenuti e mantenere alto il coinvolgimento dei visitatori.
Inizia a creare il tuo pubblico
Comprendi e fai crescere il tuo pubblico tramite dati e analisi, sondaggi e strumenti.
Aumenta il traffico al tuo sito
Usa la Ricerca, newsletter, condivisioni sui social e annunci per attirare più visite.
Garantire il coinvolgimento dei visitatori
Coinvolgere e fidelizzare i visitatori utilizzando il ricircolo degli articoli, i video e Core Web Vitals.
Amar Ujala's Gamified News Boosts Engagement & Loyalty
Gamified News Experience Fuels 44% Growth in First-Party Data and 14% Increase in Loyal Users
Manorama Online 2.5: Enhancing User Experience
Developing an Enhanced Interface and Experience on Web and e-reader platforms
ACM grows Audience Engagement and Search Traffic
Innovative AI-assisted SEO and Personalised Content Recirculation boost engagement
Google Search Console
Migliora il rendimento del tuo sito nella Ricerca Google
Tuoi Tre Newspapers’ Data-Driven Evolution
A Vietnamese news publication personalized their reader experience through content analysis and data integration.
Centro editori
Raggiungi nuovi segmenti di pubblico e avidi lettori di notizie su Google News
El Sol de México: Aligning Processes with Audience Needs
Participating in the Lab was key in their progress to strengthen their Audience Strategy.
French newspaper grows international audience
Le Monde harnesses AI translation to launch an English-language edition, boosting readership and engagement worldwide.
A Legacy of Ink, A Future of Inclusion
Mainichi Shimbun's Pursuit of Diversity in Japanese Journalism
DEI from the Heart of Japanese Journalism
How Kyodo News is Transforming Diversity
Periodico AM: Asserting Locality and Immediacy
Local newspaper in Mexico innovates to better reach their audience.
Engaging 7NEWS audience through live sport
A distinctive digital destination for millions of fans at 7NEWS.com.au
Engaging 7NEWS audience through live sport
A distinctive digital destination for millions of fans at 7NEWS.com.au
ACM grows Audience Engagement and Search Traffic
Innovative AI-assisted SEO and Personalised Content Recirculation boost engagement
Customer Data Platform (CDP) enables content personalization
Indian Express Sees Early Success with Data-Driven Personalization
French newspaper grows international audience
Le Monde harnesses AI translation to launch an English-language edition, boosting readership and engagement worldwide.
Dong-A Ilbo increases engagement through improved UX
Dong-A Ilbo’s revamped website focuses on reader readability, convenience and personalisation.
A new audience with online video news bulletins
The West Australian launches “Up Late with Ben Harvey”, in partnership with Google
Centro editori
Raggiungi nuovi segmenti di pubblico e avidi lettori di notizie su Google News
Unlocking Video Success: The ABP Live Story
48% New Viewers, 43% More Views, 100M+ Minutes
BurdaForward app offers refreshing approach to news fatigue
German media group provides critical information while limiting harmful triggers.
Account linking improves engagement and retention
News Corp Australia subscribers with Google-linked accounts have better engagement and retention
Transforming Social Followers to Subscribers
How The Daily Aus was able to turn social engagement into sustainable growth
Google Search Console
Migliora il rendimento del tuo sito nella Ricerca Google
Account linking improves engagement and retention
News Corp Australia subscribers with Google-linked accounts have better engagement and retention
Creating a more user-centric news experience
Il Sole 24 Ore’s new site search function helps users find more in-depth information.
Customer Data Platform (CDP) enables content personalization
Indian Express Sees Early Success with Data-Driven Personalization
French newspaper grows international audience
Le Monde harnesses AI translation to launch an English-language edition, boosting readership and engagement worldwide.
BurdaForward app offers refreshing approach to news fatigue
German media group provides critical information while limiting harmful triggers.
ACM grows Audience Engagement and Search Traffic
Innovative AI-assisted SEO and Personalised Content Recirculation boost engagement
Sanoma steps up account personalization
Finnish media brand boosts user engagement with My News Service features.
Hankyoreh doubles user engagement by revamping mobile app
Redesign the mobile app with personalized content to strengthen the membership
A new audience with online video news bulletins
The West Australian launches “Up Late with Ben Harvey”, in partnership with Google
Medialivre shifts culture to digital-first
Global Agenda tool puts cross-brand collaboration front and center.
Dong-A Ilbo increases engagement through improved UX
Dong-A Ilbo’s revamped website focuses on reader readability, convenience and personalisation.
Engaging 7NEWS audience through live sport
A distinctive digital destination for millions of fans at 7NEWS.com.au
Cerchi qualcos'altro?
Potenzia il tuo giornalismo digitale
Usa risorse e strumenti digitali che possono aiutarti a trovare, verificare e raccontare storie coinvolgenti.
Aumenta le tue entrate
Scopri dei metodi per aumentare le entrate grazie a contributi, abbonamenti, iscrizioni e annunci digitali.
Tutte le risorse
Strumenti, corsi di formazione e risorse progettati in collaborazione con esperti del settore, accademici e testate di tutto il mondo.