CMS-Anbieter für die Nachrichtenbranche
Choosing a content management system (CMS) is one of the most important decisions for any news organization. To support news publishers in this process, the Google News Initiative, the International News Media Association (INMA), and Real Story Group (RSG) collaborated on a guide to the news industry's leading CMS providers so you can more easily determine which CMSs might be right for you.
Unser Team führte Befragungen und Interviews bei verschiedenen Verlagen und Webpublishern durch, um eine Liste der CMS-Funktionen zu erstellen, die wir dann als Grundlage für unsere ausführliche Analyse verwendeten.
Um die Objektivität zu gewährleisten, wurden alle Bewertungen von unabhängigen externen Experten durchgeführt. Diese umfassende Auswertung beinhaltete unter anderem die folgenden Prüfungsebenen:
– Einen Fragebogen mit 70 Fragen
– Eine 90-minütige Demo
– Überprüfungen der Kundenreferenzen
– Faktenchecks für den Entwurf der Lösungsbeschreibung jedes CMS-Anbieters
We hope you find this guide valuable. Please note: The majority of these evaluations with the exception of InterRed, Layout International, Livingdocs, Quintype, and Xalok were conducted in the first half of 2023. We provided a small summary of any major platform changes in 2024 in their review. If you are a CMS provider, we do not have formal plans yet to update this evaluation, but you can contact us at
InterRed is multi-channel CMS, offering print and digital publishing capabilities, with a focus on the German-speaking region.
Layout International
NewsPublish is originally a print-oriented CMS from Beirut, Lebanon, now headquartered in Dubai, with a traditional focus on the Middle East, supplemented more recently with a broader APAC expansion on the back of a more affordable alternative to established print content management solutions.
Livingdocs is a newer CMS targeting the German-speaking world, with a comparatively modern interface featuring "Google Docs"-like collaboration, at the expense of front-end capabilities and print integration
Quintype Bold CMS
Born out of the joint venture between The Quint & Bloomberg, Quintype is an India-based CMS solution with a modular architecture that focuses on flexibility, but requires technical expertise for full utilization.
Xalok is a well-established CMS in Spanish language markets, offering editors a live preview of what their content will look like on various devices.
CMS-Anbieter für die Nachrichtenbranche, die in diesem Bericht nicht enthalten sind: