11 bài học
75 phút
Strengthen your digital skills by learning advanced techniques on familiar tools like Google Search, Google Maps and Google Trends.
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Bài học
Google Scholar: Access court cases, academic papers and sources.
Bài học
Quickly find hard facts and expert opinions.
Advanced Search: Researching with precision.
Bài học
Simple tools and tips to help you get better results, faster.
Google News Archive: Access the past.
Bài học
Discover historical digital publications and scanned newspapers.
Google Trends: See what’s trending across Google Search, Google News and YouTube.
Bài học
Find stories and terms people are paying attention to.
Google My Maps: Show where stories happen.
Bài học
Give important context by building interactive maps.
Google Translate: Translations on-the-go.
Bài học
Speak the language just about anywhere in the world.
Fundamentals: Take the quiz
Bài kiểm tra khoá học
Now that you finish the course, take the quiz to test your knowledge!