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Build your audience with Google Analytics 4
Start building your audience
Build your audience with News Consumer Insights
Increase traffic with Search Console (8:49)
Reach younger and diverse audiences (9:00)
Tools for News Publishers
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Build your audience with Google Analytics 4

Understand and measure your audience with Google Analytics 4

What is Google Analytics 4?


As the Internet has changed, so have our expectations on how our data is collected, used and stored.

Google Analytics 4 responds to these changes and helps you manage all of the data available to you today.

  • Prepare for a privacy-first future with first-party data
  • Connect with Google Ad Manager, so you can measure ads and audiences together
  • Gives you insights automatically to inform your strategy
  • Measure across domains and platforms

What do I need to do to transition before 1 July 2023?

  • Create new properties
  • Move all data and reports by
  • Tag your site by updating Google Tag Manager

Getting started

  1. Go to the homepage of Google Analytics
  2. Click on the blue Let's Go button, or you can click on Admin and then Google Analytics 4 Setup Assistant
  3. Click on Get Started under 'I want to create a Google Analytics 4 account'.
    If you already have an account, link the Analytics property for a specific Google Analytics 4 account.
  4. Optional Save time by enabling Enhanced measurements.
  5. Click 'Create & continue'
  6. Use a tag you already have or select Install a Google tag.

See Google Analytics 4


What are the sections in Google Analytics 4?

  • Home
  • Reports
  • Explore
  • Advertising
  • Configure
  • Admin

Home shows your site’s performance from the last seven days and Insights analyses your data for you using machine learning.

On Home, you can see:

  • Users
  • New users
  • Engagement time
    • Time spent
    • Subscriptions revenue
    • Donations
    • Ad revenue
  • Users currently on the site

💡 Best practice: Use the Search bar at the top if you have trouble finding something.




Reports are now listed as questions, like 'Where are my new users coming from?' or 'What pages are getting the most views?'

  • Life cycle: Follow your audience across Acquisition, Engagement, Monetisation and Retention
  • Traffic Acquisition: Where audiences come from
  • Engagement: How your audience reads or watches your stories
  • Monetisation: Where your money comes from
    • Subscriptions: Add events to your subscription pages
    • Ads: Connect your Ad Manager account
  • User Reports: Your audiences’ demographics
    • Countries
    • Cities
    • Languages
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Interests
  • Retention: How often your audience comes back

💡 Best practice: Use Search to ask questions like 'How many users did I get last month?'


Get the most out of Google Analytics 4


Create audiences for News Consumer Insights

  1. Go to Google Analytics
  2. Go to Admin and select Audiences
  3. Select New audience
    If you don’t see this button, ask your admin for 'Marketer' access
  4. Select Custom audience
  5. Enter Brand Lovers, Loyal Readers or Casual Readers
  6. Select Add new condition
  7. Select Session number
    • For Brand Lovers, select condition >= and enter 15.
    • For Loyal Readers, select >=, enter 2 and select Apply. Then, select <= and enter 14.
    • For Casual Readers, select condition <= and enter 1.
  1. Select Apply and Save
  2. Repeat steps 5-8 until you have created audiences for Brand Lovers, Loyal Readers and Casual Readers.
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